
Potatoes, I dunno man. Bake them? Boil them? Trade some for some oil?


#teamcanada I don't know why 30 and not married is such a big deal, hell, most people married before that end up miserable and divorced by 40. Why waiting for a top notch life partner means you find men sexually attractive is beyond me. Women assume that if you're not into them you eat dicks, but if a girls not into you it's because you weigh 400lbs and have a rapey face, she's not a lesbian...

Sorry I can't resteem anything where it promotes Justin Terd-oh.

Man, @porn-watch and @artwatch are going to get the best kind of following now. Thanks man, I was like how can I get all the rapists on Steemit to come check me out? So thankful that you do all the work for me. Cheers on the rapey vibe shout out my Serbian brother.

I really blaim Eli for all your rapey-ness he did this first to you and now your just cycling that trauma and abuse. But yeah... You guys gotta get better hobbies.

Canada hates you, just secretly...


Anything with Terd-Oh's boy band face I can't be associated with, sorry. As far as Canada goes, I would recommend Kitchener ON, I hear it's really warm there. @bleedpoet can help you find out if you really are gay or not there too. 😘

This was a beautiful story that touched me my pants. Although now I have to think of a story that I can use #notrape in now.

Ahh, you put a photo of my dumb Prime Minister in your blog.

Trying to rub salt in my wounds I guess :)

We here in Canada are now officially the stupidest country in the world.


Dobili ste glas od zajednice Team Serbia koja je formirana radi podrške našim autorima.
Pozdrav @beograd! :) Za više informacija o našem radu i radi druženja sa ostalim članovima, posetite nas na našem discord serveru


Nema na čemu. Funkcioniše prilično jednostavno, možeš pogledati na našem profilu detalje, a možeš i instalirati discord (mada opciono imaš i browser verziju) pa će ti neko na serveru rado odgovoriti na sva pitanja...