Yikes, well if that's not enough to kick my paranoia into high gear, I don't know what will!
I think it's only natural to be suspicious of governmental interference, especially since the crypto community attracts people with the types of philosophies that centralized governments routinely classify as "problematic." Libertarians, anarchists, voluntaryists - these are all trigger words for ending up on governmental shit lists, so if you do refer to yourself as one (or even if you simply frequent places that there are high concentrations of these words) you're going to attract the attention of your Friendly Neighborhood Surveillance Program to make sure you're not plotting to mix up some ANFO in your basement and take out the local Piggly Wiggly.
The problem is that none of us here are into that. We all just want to be left the hell alone for the most part. The more you struggle to claim your privacy, the more the government thinks you have something to hide, and the more they get invested in developing new technologies to circumvent any security measures you've developed to preserve that privacy.
That's why the idea that governments are considering the implementation of backdoors into crypto keys isn't just tinfoil-hat territory. You don't have to be David Icke and think that Queen Elizabeth is a reptilian invader to think your government has a vested interest in spying on you. It probably helps, though.
Lol yes! I think sadly privacy is dying and most of the kids these days don't even know what it is. There seems to be this idea that if you want privacy you must be doing something wrong which is insane.
Privacy is dying so fast it is beyond stunning. The most paranoid and careful privacy obsessed person today cannot achieve 1% of the privacy of a normal citizen of 100 years ago. And that is assuming that person is still living outside of the growing network of facial recognition.