Actually fear if used wisely... hmmm.. Actually fear is very useful and effective mechanic of human brain. Did you notice how your body stiffens and freezes when you are in great fear?
It is a protective mechanism. When you encounter something unknown it is supposed to give you time to stop and think over and take an alternative action (test yourself for testicles cancer for example). Body releases huge amounts of adrenaline, that makes the heart beat faster, thus providing additional flow of blood and oxygen to your brain to work more effective. It can stop you speeding by tensing your muscles, it can stop your spontaneous expenses and that is why companies are putting huge amounts of money into different research of customer psychology or how in general brain works to release those brakes, so you feel safe and secure and spend your hard earned cash (they play relaxing music, induce you with different smells, use special colors in the packaging etc etc) It requires of course a separate post and is too long for a comment, but fear is supposed to make you to do more rational decisions (that's another reason why they give you free drinks in casinos and that's why you will not a single clock on a gambling floor). Another type of "fear" that prevents you from any constructive activity and leads to procrastination is not fear actually. It has different origin. But again it requires a separate blog post. The story you have told provides many amusing parallels however and is an enjoying read.
We can choose and learn how to not take things too personally and then we can rise and become stronger as we learn to deal with hard stuff that feels scary and everything. Coaches motivates athletes beyond and past limits and way beyond what the athletes and players ever thought possible. The players become stronger and faster and better because they were able and willing to work hard and was willing to be guided even while feeling scared and stuff. Joey Oatmeal.@bescouted, agreed. Bad fear is not good fear. We might want to find a different word to describe bad fear. Maybe terror. Maybe cowardliness. Good fear might be perspective which is opportunity towards courage. We can take risks & we can be more careful when challenged. Fear is often too much of an emotion, a feeling, & we have bad habits of overreacting to stuff.
@joeyarnoldvn wanna ask you question , what if you fear something because of nonsense thoughts and you firmly believe those are superstitious even though you couldn't stop yourself
Fear is all around us each day. There are different reasons for fear and for feelings and emotions. The word "NONSENSE" is a loaded word that has a predefined definition and ideology according to you and to most people already prematurely through assumptions and judgment that are not fully studied and investigated scientifically and historically and psychologically and anthropologically and so on.........
We may feel that we can or cannot stop or go or whatever. But how we feel or think or say or believe is not the same as what we can or cannot do absolutely and it is not related to what we will or will not do either....
Nonsense may or may not be a nothing burger of a word.
Superstition is another word that is loaded with a bunch of predefined notions and so on...........
I choose not to fear..... I choose to do what I love to do and to do what I love through objectivity as defined by what we all know is already there....
thank's for the thorough reply
I think "the bad fear" as you put it might very well be called cowardliness or lack of determination. Fearing responsibility for your actions is not exactly the same a fear itself :)