Ways to succeed in life
Every human being living on this earth has one chance to live only, either to be exploited by this man as the best use or to miss it as if he had never lived, for this reason everyone must fully understand the importance and value of this life and never underestimate it. Only one gate through which others come into existence after they were absent from reality and this beautiful life, the value of life lies in the amount of what man gives not in the amount of what he takes; the reconstruction of the earth can be only through cooperation between different human classes , And live fun It is to achieve its successes Almtalah and the happiness of others and self as well.
Achieving success is not through reincarnation of others and trying to imitate them. On the contrary, the success of man is only a sign that this person lives his life as he wants it, not as others want him to live and live.
From the above we can say that the real success of man is achieved when the person himself, himself and his personality, and works to develop and live with it and exploit its potential potential to the maximum extent possible. The knowledge of man himself is not on his way, it is not possible for any person to indicate this person to himself, every human being knows and knows himself, and from here we have emerged the rule of God (and do not cherish the burden of another button) God wants us to be independent of our views, Two labs for our minds, taking advantage of our lives, energizing our energies.
Success in life is not easy. Once a person knows himself and realizes his creation in this world, he must immediately begin to strive.
The pursuit of success and perseverance in this world and on this earth is the only way to success. in this life.
Also, in order for a person to succeed in his life, he has to define his goal, develop his skills and expand his perception. This is done through reading and learning. Reading is the way to broaden understanding and understanding and improve cognition. Man in this life without a doubt in it.
Finally, success in this life can not and should not be considered a luxury that one should not care about. It should be considered as one of the most important things to take care of and work towards.
By Mohamed Marwan
Theme and beautiful publication
Thank you
Excellent publication
It can be said success is excellence , good topic
Thank you
you welcome ^^
great article success come with sacrifice
thanks u so much for sharing
Thank you for your interest in the subject
This was an interesting article with nice pictures! Looking forward to more from you!
Thank you for your interest in the subject and for encouraging me
"lives his life as he wants it, not as others want him to live"
It is the best sentence that i read this day. Man must make his character in the satisfaction of God, not to the slave
Your words are true, realistic and true. Thank you for your interest