Human Origin Explained - And its Function! (WARNING EXPLICIT!)

in #life8 years ago


Some may think how could you possibly know how humans came to be?
And to that I have but one response, conscious time travel. being able to place your consciousness through time and space and fix it in a certain location in time that then absorbs the information and once you feel it has absorbed enough you pull it back, so in that sense I function as an oversoul if you will for that particular consciousness of mine to go out and return to me.

So before humanity on Earth came into existence you need to understand something

The human form did not originate on Earth, the actual form that the Earth originally brought into being is reptilian in nature.

The human form originated from a Galactic cluster that is named Lyra, they were called the Lyrans
And around 2.5 billion years ago something happened in this universe that forced many Lyrans to migrate to many different clusters within the universe itself.

Which brought about migrations to our solar system and many others.

First understand this Universe supports life but there are other Universes with different sets of rules if you will, even some, where gravity is random.

Something or someone brought an entire different race from an entire different universe to ours, it seems to look like that this Race was Reptilian in nature and was existing in a universe that had a very rough environment, so this particular colony of reptilians were very aggressive and very smart in terms of surviving and weaponry and technology.

(The main reason why they were dumped here is that they were creating havoc and it became so huge in that universe that the energy that is the being of that particular universe kicked them out.)

So they landed here and began to search for a home planet that they could create their civilization on, they quickly understood that this universe is young and immature.

And as these beings traveled through space they came across the Lyran civilization which they noticed were very abundant in everything, food, technology, water, anything you could possibly imagine, they had it all.

The reptilians felt a disgust since they had to claw their way to the top and these humans get all THIS!?

The reptilians didn't know what capabilities these humanoids had and so they started making contact with the leaders of the Lyran colony and asking to exchange certain goods and resources. Which was very common to happen at the time, where different kinds of races stopped by to exchange resources.

The Lyran humans were a peaceful race and they knew nothing of war, they had weapons and planetary defense but they never dared to use it. they ranged from skin tones of Black to Blue, to Red, to Yellow

White skin was and still is considered the weakest Today, and Black skin was considered to be the strongest, because of the oxygen levels the cells in the body was capable of absorbing.

As soon as the agreement came through and the request was completed and the reptilians received their 'cargo' if you will, they did something nobody would expect, they attacked all Lyran colonies and killing all the humans that they could, and stealing all the technologies they could get their hands on.


The Lyran defense system was easily taken out, so many Lyrans had to migrate out into the cosmos to survive, it was an absolute bloodbath and terrifying dark moment for the human colonies.


The Lyrans eventually migrated to Venus, Mars, the Moon, and Earth.
Earth already had inhabitants, at that time by other reptilian like beings but the Invading reptilians hunted down most human colonies on Venus, The Mars colonies at the time were already in habited by the beings you know to be as the greys, they were very superior and helped many of the human colonies to fight the reptilians when they attacked Mars.

They successfully stood their ground for many thousands of years, and after that period of time the reptilians scattered throughout the universe and some even went to the Earth and they came across other familiar reptilian forms, and since they were so dominant, and since the earth looked like their original home planet, they felt that 'nothing is allowed to take this world from us'.

And they killed off all species on this world without mercy, what you would call the extinction of the dinosaurs is a self-created meteor bombardment directed to kill the eco system so that they could rebuild once the process was complete.

In the midst of all of that other beings came into the frame that were the founders, the makers of the Earth itself and they said: you are not allowed to go any further than this.


These beings whoever they were possessed so much power that they could have thrown these reptilians out of this universe but didn't, they offered them to stay and live in harmony with this universe and its laws of nature.

The reptilians didn't know why all of a sudden beings like this appeared to save one small planet, and so they were very interested in finding out what the story was behind the Earth.

The founders, however, said nothing.

Let it be known that the founders were humanoid in form and it is said that they have created the human genetic.

But this is why the Earth was made and its function:

Many times planets are made for one particular race to exist in, with a few alteration for some species, but mainly it's a home base for them self. Earth was constructed from gathered genetic material all across the universe so it was to be an experiment to create a form of a multi dimensional existence where every single being could enter the ecosphere of Earth. This is why we have so many species on it today from all regions of the universe.

The real name of the planet we call Earth is called Terra
And Terra was to be the first of its kind, the planet Venus and Mars were other experiments that were done prior to Earth.

(But since a war erupted on Mars and Venus, which looked the same as the Earth at some point, the entire system got destroyed, the air got polluted and the water got poisoned. and as a result, the high solar cosmic rays evaporated the seas and lakes on Mars.)


The Founders restored much of the planet Earth/Terra and realized that the beings hiding from the reptilians on Mars looked like them, and offered many of the Mars Lyrans Colonies to migrate on the Earth itself.

And that they would give protective technology and stick around until they are developed to such a point where they can take care of them self.

And so The Earth which was originally a reptilian home ground suddenly becomes a humanoid home planet.
Much of what you know to be as Atlantis, Sumerian History is a direct connection to the Lyrans.

And for many thousands of years, the Earth Lyran Colony started to build itself back up and also evolve
The Founders, however, had other plans. they realized that these reptilians beings were very strong, they basically exceeded the parameters of natural law and understood that these reptilians didn't originate in this universe.

So The Founders were wary that if the reptilians return one day they may very much be evolved past the point where the humans won't be able to defend them self again.

And so The Founders took aside some of the Lyran population and gifted them with their genetic material (DNA)
After this was done the Earth Lyrans evolved to such a point that they felt it is time to leave this world for others to use and evolve just as they have done so.

The New Founders as you could call them now migrated to what you would know as the Pleiades, Sirius, Rigel, and Andromeda

Terra once again was an open field for beings to come and explore
Beings arrived as a result of that and these were Cat/Lion and other Animal like humanoid beings, this is a very popular name but their home planet was called Niburu.


These cat/animal like beings had no idea why such a resourceful planet was empty and so they created forms of their genetic which were humanoids in nature but they altered them to such an extent that they were basically biological robots, because they need gold, and so these humans had to search for gold for the Niburians.

They needed the gold to power their planet/ship which is a highly conductive and expanding form of fuel for space travel.
After some time some of the Niburians felt very connected to the planet Terra itself and so there was a strong debate whether or not to let the humans evolve on this world and come back some other time.

This was met with a lot of discussion and some parts of the Niburians behind the others back left behind some of these human forms both male and female so that reproduction could occur.

Eventually, the majority of the Niburians came the conclusion that they will not do such a thing, because it could cause trouble for them if those humans were to evolve into something that is not beneficial for other races.

But the majority didn't know that some rogue faction within the Niburian colony went behind their back, these were later called the Annunaki.

And as the Annunaki left them on the Terra/Earth other races came in and realized that these beings were left here because they weren't very bright.

And as they left and allowed these humans to evolve naturally.

Groups began to form wherein 80% of all genetic material was combined and added to the genetic of humans that lived at that time on the Earth/Terra, however since the humans were manipulated by the Niburians to not be able to access genetic material directly, the human body became a solid sleeping powerhouse.

(Also know that a certain portion of humans were not altered which to this day is known as Sasquatch, and it may surprise you or not but the Sasquatch because they have lived with nature, can travel inter-dimensionally so you will rarely ever see one let alone catch one.)

The groups that came together that implanted the genetic universal code said it would be good to observe the human species and see what happens. since they could not change the limiting factors placed upon the genetic code. if they were to try to turn it off it could have meant the destruction of those humans in general and they did not want to risk that.

So these groups created a force field if you will, to keep their experiment inside the planet so they could observe what's going to happen as a result of it all.

And so throughout the ages, humans have evolved, building structures, societies, fought wars, and around the middle of that. The Aggressive reptilians came back and noticed nobody was protecting Terra but what they didn't know is that Terra was being watched very carefully from afar.

The reptilians noticed that someone interfered and protected the planet Terra with an amazingly strong forcefield, they just couldn't get through it. So the reptilians came up with a plan to infiltrate Terra from within by Incarnating as it were into humanoid bodies. To destroy humanity from within.

This is what created what you could call as the Luciferian Brotherhood, Illuminati they all go way back from that genetic lineage.

And to this day those in power believe that they should rule this world.

But as the reptilians began to infiltrate the human world they were met with obstacle's they weren't allowed to destroy the humans because they were stopped by many of the founders that this is not allowed to happen.

So the best they were allowed to do is let humans kill them self...
Creating war, creating, dis-ease, manipulating the food.
In that way, they would bypass The Natural law of interference since technically they would be killing their own species.

Now Humanity has come a long way and each time they tried to kill off a massive amount of humans, some form of intervention has taken placed by benevolent races to prevent that these so called Illuminated groups would destroy 90% of the humans on this world.

So the reptilian factions have been at war with many of these groups that are overlooking Earth/Terra, but there simply is no way that the reptilians can win this war and so those reptilian consciousnesses that are now within the Terra (playing field) are trapped in a way.

Those of us who came here and many volunteered for this are in the process of becoming Universal Creators in a physical body, this is why this world has the exploding numbers of incarnations as it does, most worlds only have around 200 million of individuals on their world let alone 7 billion!!


The Great Human Experiment was originally designed to create a housing body that would be physical in nature that could harness universal energies which is unheard of.

Because usually when a physical body comes in contact with even the slightest of universal energy it would burn and explode.

And so we come to this day and age now where we as humans have grown and basically are now moving into the beginnings of Level 1 Technology which will allow us to become interstellar species, and interact with many of these Groups that have for thousands of years looked over us and basically see us as Royal family.

Thus the Human Experiment on Earth/Terra we are known as Galactic Royalty because of our genetic code.

And they absolutely love it when individuals meditate and tap into the cosmic energy to sustain the body, sometimes, not often but more often than not, once they see one individual making an effort to connect to them or to his/her own evolution they will make contact in some way to this person.

And this is what happened with me in 2010
I began to open myself up to many of these concepts

And one night they teleported me during the night I was sleeping, out of my body and introduced them self to me, and I was told many different kinds of things, not only about myself but also what is about to happen on our world.

This concludes the broader perspective of how Life on Earth Began.
I hope you find it informative!
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Wow amazing ... There is a lot of evidence on The Moon and Mars that there was a war ... and also even some scientists claims that nuclear war took place on Mars ... Great post!!! :)

Oh yes,! nuclear and also a lot more happened there. after the war the greys had to go underground because the environment was extremely toxic, you can imagine star wars like wars but then 10x worse.
The nuclear wars on Mars also penetrated many dimensions which affected the life's in all kinds of reality.

This is why the ET's who are observing us now as not allowing any Nuclear missiles to be used to for or other things because it literally penetrates different realities and can harm other beings that live within those realms.

The Greys actually are a mutated form of humans from our future but they came back in time to help alter the course of events, that's why they settled on Mars because they knew a war would come but it shifted the timeline so that our race would not become mutated like them.

I will make a separate post about this soon about the Origin of the Greys its really sad actually :( but its good to know.

Also please do post more about your experiences . That would be interesting.Amazing, @beyondthecrypto! I understand that the greys are a kind of subservient race to the reptilians who are essentially from the 4th dimension and thereby not as spiritually evolved as the Pleiadians. And also that the Pleiadians from the 5th dimension are actually protecting Earth. As you have rightly said this is a vast & deep subject.

New post on the Greys is out enjoy :)

What you said I will respond on tomorrow in a new post ;) I will first do my stats post and few hours later expect my post on the Greys not sure if i will include anything about the Pleiadians, depends on how long the post gets on the greys topic.

Thanks! will check it out.

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