When we prayer we either want something in return or we are hoping to reach somewhere. It is always that we are looking into get from God. And once we get over praying our faith and love effects to what we receive from God. Isn't this a fact of our life?
Talking to God is praying. There is no right and wrong way to talk to God. When someone is injured and we see them bleed what is the first thing that come out of our mouth is 'O my God'. God listens to ALL. We might hesitate to ask or might think that when we ask we are being selfish. But for God we are never selfish. God is waiting eagerly for you to come to him and pour your heart out.
Look at Jabez, he asked God to give him God's power in his life, power greater than his own to achieve his dream in life. God did approve his prayer.
We should ask God for the same to achieve our dreams. To reach our goals in life we need God's blessing and approval. We need ambitions that can motivate us to react. Ambitions is neither good nor bad but a basic drive in life. All have some or the other kind of ambition in life.
God is waiting for you to ask from him. God says you don't have because you never asked. It is proven in the Bible book of James 4:2 - "You desire, and yet you do not have."
Further in Jeremiah 33:3 where God says - ‘Call to me, and I will answer you and readily tell you great and incomprehensible things that you have not known.’
God can go beyond your imagination. You got to have growing faith and pour your heart out to God while praying. And let God know to keep his hand upon you at all times. Ask God to keep you out of all harm so you have no pain. Let God be you sheild of protection. Get a growing faith, a faith that enables you to achieve the impossible.
Thank you for reading.
This was an uplifting article. For the past few weeks, I have been trying to re-evaluate my goals in life and what to do. My career is leading to fast promotions and higher pay but I'm not happy with it. I want to go down a different path and hopefully start a family with my husband. This current path I'm on is not going to give me the time to achieve that. After reading this and having been learning more through my study of the Scriptures. I'm starting to understand that I need to pray and put my faith into Yah the Elohim to guide me. I think that I am being selfish by asking him all this. Only he is our parent and wants to hear the troubles were going through and solve them. All we have to do is ask. Thank you.
God can go beyond our imagination. ya you are right man.....