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RE: Be Like Dogs: Living In The Now and Accepting Reality

in #life8 years ago (edited)

It's called, "Mindfulness." Learning how to discipline and take responsibility over your own thoughts is the biggest, most difficult step towards realizing a change in your character. We have the ability to, literally, change our brains' sturcture through steady, constant effort in directing our own thoughts. It is a skill - a muscle which must be exercised to become stronger.

"Two steps forward, one step back."

"The turtle wins the race."

"The longest journeys are accomplished one step at a time."

It's not rocket science, but it is not as "exciting" as many other distractions we can allow ourselves to be consumed with. The greatest power any person really has is their own free will and the ability to choose how to direct their thoughts. Once you "get" this concept, you can start to really move forward in securing your future well-being and happiness - by doing what you can, now.