InspiratioNULL #8 - Random Musings and Quotes That Might Change Your Life. Or Not...

in #life9 years ago

Today I went to bed VERY early.  2:30 AM.  What can I say, I enjoy the lack of responsibility I have as a teacher during the summer...

Read more. Articles. Posts. Texts. Closed Captioning. Books. Magazines. E-books. E-magazines. The more you read, the better you will write.

When you wake up from a really bizarre or cool dream, grab your cell phone, and either voice record it or voice to text it in a memo. You will have a much better time remembering it, AND, it might make for a good story someday. I have a friend that tells me his bizarre dreams at least once a week...

I used to buy cans of Red Bull for $2.50 . Then I discovered Full Throttle which were 16 ounces for about $2.  Now I go to a dollar store to get Rip It's for - a dollar.  More energy for less $$.

So I seize the seas to sew a row , two rays too raze, and off we go. He sees the seas and sows the sews to raise the rays back to and fro.

Why do the days all end in Y - To end this moth they call July - to stick a needle in your eye - oh why do the days all end in Y?

I've received fan mail from 13 different countries so far. That is pretty awesome if you ask me. Actually, it's even more awesome to have ever received Just One!!!

Make sure you examine the road you choose. Perhaps it is actually the road someone else chose for you. However, if the road looks good and is still what you would have chose, Perhaps someone really knows you!!

Half of my summer is gone, and it's been a blast so far. I need to remember to registration my car. 

I like writing whatever comes to mind. Love. Big Brother 18. Orange is the New Black. Chinese food. Old friends calling. Invitations I had to decline. Time with Mom. Forgetting the totes of books I was supposed to bring with me yesterday.

Be sure to look up today. The sun, the moon, the clouds, the stars, the rain, the rainbows, the lightning, the leaves the wind, the birds, the branch that you would've walked right into if you didn't look up...

Thanks for reading! Have an awesome day!!

-bigedude (7.31.2016)


Dude, I hope it isn't another 7 months before we hear from you. I noticed when you did your it's been 7 months since... post, you then dropped out for another 7 months.
It is summer holidays in my land. I am watching your YouTube channel with my Kids. We can't get enough.
You rock. Please keep posting. Huge fans.

PS I really like pies too!