It is one of the essentials of living on your own. Knowing how to boil eggs. I eat about 5 to 10 a week for snack during the day, and have tried many ways of boiling. My go to is throw the eggs in the water, and put them on the heat. Once they start to boil I time them for 8 min, and then Immediately throw them in a bath of ice water. Depending on my mood, I like them a little on the soft side.
But this last time, I tried a different way. I decided to throw on the eggs and start working in my garage. 45 min later my wife comes out, and is like"You know you have eggs on right...." I said O S*** and acted like I knew... But in reality I had totally forgot, and if it would have been any other item then water bowling I would have probably caused some damage.
So AlWAYS SET A TIMER. By the way I hate wasting food so I ate them, a little dry I would say.
Nice one! It happened to me too. On the other hand, throwing the eggs into the water might crack them, so I put the eggs, then water, then bring it to a boil for just a minute. I turn off the heat and allow it to simmer (continue cooking) for 5 minutes to save gas. I end up with solid whites and oozy yolks. I love just them! If you want a solid yolk, boil them for 5 minutes and simmer for at least another 5 mins.
nice post and very funny though
Lol that was so funny.
I do well at following a recipe but I'm an awful cook without a timer!
I so empathize!
My father-in-law came to stay with us and he wanted his toast 'burned' (yes, my hubby confirmed, he actually wanted it that way!) I wasn't sure whether to be complimented or embarrassed when my husband told him that I was extremely good at fixing food just the way he would like it!