Are you talking about a complete system. Battery storage and all? And is that price with you doing the labor? From my understanding are the power walls the batteries Tesla sells?
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Are you talking about a complete system. Battery storage and all? And is that price with you doing the labor? From my understanding are the power walls the batteries Tesla sells?
Complete grid tie with system that is over what i use in power here you just have to pay for the privalage of being connected to there grid . I basically use the grid as a much more efficient means of battery storage. The power company here gets credit for producing green energy and i get a reliable grid . Its only down when some one hits a power pole .My plans are to get a tesla battery system for backup storage . like weather related I spent quite some time researching the best way to go solar and the cheapest but good quality . I can get the exact number but materials was around 8k with 30% tax credit.
Yes , i did do all the labor my self. I knew i could not afford to let a crew come in and do it plus i have the benefit i kinda beefed up the supporting system it sits on . I have double the attachments was for wind. Which saved me already because we got snow a few months after i put them up. (We dont see snow here first snow in over 20 years that was over 1/2 inch deep.) And yes power walls are like the ones tesla sells. But that isnt the only ones sold . Just one of the most known here.