You can call me a conspiracy theorist on this one, but if feel that Tv shows will always try and push a agenda. Like right now there are 3 to 4 shows going about the British Royal family, like the show the Crown. It is kinda ironic that the Royal family has become really unpopular in Britain, and that the people there are realizing that they are just paying these people a boat load of money to do nothing. Especially the fact that they are just born into this boat load of money. We here in America fought a whole war on the idea that we the people had the right to chose our leaders. I believe it was the Revolutionary War, but correct me if I am wrong. The crazy part in my mind, they are trying to justify the Royal Families existence through these shows, and sub consciously trying to affect they way people view them. Just as support for the Royal family is decreasing in their own country. Also doesn't every woman want to be a princess at some point in their life?
This show pretty much showed us that :-)
As a UK resident, I honestly couldn't care two shits what the 'Royals' are up to. They have never taken an interest in me or my family. I've contributed for years toward there up keep and am yet to see any return from my investment (involuntary investment that is).
Ok fair enough like @moarafatshow mentioned, there is an attraction from tourisum. But they don't only come to see Royals. It's also the Palace, Big Ben, London Bridge, Stonehenge, to name just a few.
And another thing, what's the big deal with the 'Titles' the Queen hands out? So what if you can now put 'Sir' in front your name. Who cares if the Queen hit your Like button? You want to be called Sir, become a teacher!
To clarify then, I'm not against Royals.... Just don't support them, and don't see the point them being there any more.
If anyone would like to clarify their usefulness please feel free
It is crazy to think of the amount of money that they get, and it costs to take care of them. I could see for tourism, but my wife and I talked about going to the Uk and never once came up to see the royals, maybe the palace, but the people themselves... Ehh
Yeah, exactly... Tourism is more about landmarks and places, not people! You would need impeccable timing to plan trips in hope of catching a glimpse of a particular person.
I think people today look at the royals as being these sweet, lovable people, while they ignore all of the suffering and brutal treatment the monarchs of this world have have done to so many over the centuries. I guess they figure that since they're now so docile and benign, they are worthy of praise and celebrity status, as though they are like singers, or movie stars.
I've been know to label the royals as the world's richest welfare recipients.
People are really wacky with those they elevate as being special!
People so easily forget about the past, and history then tends to repeat itself. They killed and murdered thousands of people, maybe hundred of thousands over the decades. I laughed so hard about the welfare comment, because it is so true.
So true!
All people must be equal
This is the principle of justice
The monarchy is an unjust system because people make layers
A very great article was well published
There were a lot of people wondering if they were next, after the Brexit vote. I still believe next economic crisis, and they are out holding a sign on the street corner.
I fully agree with you. Couldn't say it better myself!
I am sure you could my writing is terrible.
Why would you think so?@bigram13
The monarchy is nothing more than a figurative title. I don't get why people care so much about what they do or say. They have NO real power although maybe some influence as they whisper in ears. It makes me laugh when I see a video of people crying as the royal procession drives by. What have these people ever done for you?
It is just brain washing to a extent. But I totally agree with one of the other comments. They are the richest welfare recipients. They should drug test them before they give them their check.
I didn't know that this 'show' is so popular in the US too. I'm from Slovakia and I'm getting annoyed anytime I see a commercial about this wedding. I don't understand why people focus on something so unimportant for our country. We're going to have broadcasting on each commercial channel. It's just a family that lives from money of other people if we simplify it a bit :)
Thank you for your article!
I can't even turn on the news, and I am confined to just listen to sports radio right now. It is everywhere, they are just trying to keep themselves relevant.
Hahaha, exactly. I've just seen a video: How to make a vegan royal wedding cake :) On another note, I wonder, how much do they pay for this propagation?
The royal canadian pudding!
best south park episode :D
It could be the allure of a storybook romance between a royal and an "outsider" who was not a political or economic insider.
Personally, I'm surprised the Danish wedding to an Aussie didn't get more attention.
Ive never understood it either. Always seems like a giant waste of time. I dont care about them, but I dont care about celebrities either though.
Yeah! I totally agree, it definitely because of America and the U.K.’s relationship, years of history and for the fact Canada is so close to the States. Why is said 'Canada is so close to the States' as a reason because Queen Elizabeth II also rules over Canada and so with the country being on the same continent as the U.S., Americans can almost touch the feeling of fairy tales and a better government. Crossing the border, Americans can enter a whole new world.
ah, I don't know about a better government. With out the US Canada would have been conquered years ago
But seriously it was part of it.
Sweet looking this princess ,I appreciate your blog. thanks for sharing....
Honestly I don’t see why special attention should be given to those being paid to do absolutely nothing. Well I don’t see this kinda shows and if it comes on I rather see animal channels
You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:
It should be to choose instead of to chose.I also believe we fought a WHOLE WAR to get ride of the Nazis too. but you are still around.
Hahahahaha. You got me here, really funny responds. Please tell the bot that we are humans and we make mistakes. Spelling is not what we should be shouting about.
Maybe the bot will correct me next
Ya what if you write in another language?
If I do, you might not understand it all.
Have you heard of Pidgin English. English but spoken the African way. I can drop a link to one of my post in pidgin english, if you can try reading it.
If you wanna try, I will drop it.
Thank you sir.
Maybe someone will try to read pidgin english.
So do I, I also want to be a beauty princess when my wedding.. And I got it, because my family..they are always support me everytime..good writing @bigram13
Hey, @bigram13 wonderful photography. this photos prince and princes looking beautiful.
A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing awesome lovely.
I like it.All individuals must be equivalent
This is the rule of equity
The government is a crooked framework since individuals make layers
An exceptionally awesome article was all around distributed.Best of luck @bigram13
The monarchy in Britain doesn’t rule the country, it’s just for show and whenever an argument happens on whether we should completely abolish the monarchy someone on the other end of debate says that they bring in revenue for the country through tourism (which is true) and thus the debate ends.
However what is more remarkable and I don’t think the media is pushing a agenda forward is that Meghan is supposedly from a Hispanic descent and not fully Caucasian, let alone being British.
She is probably one of the first outsiders ( who doesn’t belong in the United Kongdom) in a long time to be crowned princess.
very logical point of view, and people are equal. sometimes cartoon implement things in the kids minds and we notice it later only.
I'm not a fan of this wedding. The obsession represents what's wrong in this world. #sad
People are usually obsessed with things they don't have. Everyone wants to be princess but they should know that being Royal came with sweat and blood to keep the status quo. History should be enough to correct this.
In Africa, people care less about Royal weddings
I think you are right. I always though we were obsessed with them because every girl wants to be a princess but these t.v. shows and the recent obsession probably has to do with our relationship as a country with Britan. I don't think its a conspiracy theory. I think you hit the nail right on the head.
Hello! I think that many people like the farandula and more if it is about people who have so much money to squander in this type of event that should be important only for them and their families. Some of us like to see the costumes that they wore, others expect to see who makes a mistake like falling or others see if they make bad gestures between them. Everything is about a gossip and they need to come out in some way nothing better than this.