Well I have never been one to be late on my bills, but it happened. I never paid last months electric. but I also don't really think it was my fault.
It all started yesterday when I got a letter from APS o great I thought was wonder when this bill was coming. I literally said to the wife that I felt it had been a while since the last bill. Well I open it up and it was like we are disconnecting your power on the 15th of this month....
For none payment of last bill, for crying out loud my bill was only due 15 days ago according to the paper work. So I checked to see what happened. Well APS switched all their plans around, and in the process of updating their records took me off of paper billing. Well the said they emailed me but it went to the junk, and then they said they tried to call me. I was pretty pissed about not being notified at least once before they were threatening to disconnect me in a 105 degrees. They said o but we called at 7:45 p.m. from a blocked number and left no message that is all we are required to do..... A. I said who would answer a call like that, and how would someone know it was even you. Well you shouldn't not pay your bills.... Okay I said, well you shouldn't not bill me and then I just payed it..... But they are very very unfriendly, but 15 days late and they are ready to break some legs.
Dude that is how it works. We got ours turned off a while back same kinda thing. They don't get it, they turn it off no questions. The good news is that right when you pay it they turn it right back on. Not much of a lag.
I was just so shocked, I have never even been late in 3 years and bam we are cutting you off.
Shit... they are jerks. They can’t even do that crap. If they dared to shut your power off you could go after those bastards. Love how they put next to zero effort in to make contact. What’s next, Fat Tony showing up at your door with a lead pipe? Sheesh
Just the way it went down, granted some fault probably lies on the postal service for not getting me the notice sooner, but just the fact it was 140 and not much of a effort. Did not even send a email.
Wow, that's intense. Most of the time you're able to go at least 30 days past due, I thought. That's nuts that they switched you to electronic billing without asking you. Also shady. Sounds like maybe they need to get reported to some agency. Although, I don't know if that would help. Sorry you went through that. Hopefully things are better now. :)
They just had a huge update to their system, and made everyone basically reset up their accounts. I was really specific that I still wanted paper bills, and they must never have clicked it.
That is the way they work over, they just want to break some legs in no time. How on earth will they be calling with a block number and expect someone to pick that call. They are not being official in their presentation and dealings
Ya, I also go to bed early some days, and I sure am not going to answer a call at 8 at night that I don't reconize
You shouldn't, most especially when it is from a blocked number
hopefully better future. no more threats and distractions.
indeed they are like that, although not friendly but the money is taken as well.
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