You've done it again. This time you've caused me to forever alter my perception of TV. I'll likely never use the popular slang term for television again in my life. Which, owing to my advanced age could be a mercifully short length of time.
You got like foot powered scooters? Have you no shame? The world is full of electric powered scooters that take no effort (except the plug in and removal) and provide every bit the fun and danger. Especially the danger-30kmph is more than enough speed to cause grievous damage and even death. A cheap price indeed to pay for the adrenaline flush us older folks need.
I thought of getting an electric one! I saw someone on one and it looked as cool as chips. I thought the kids might complain so this will be a worthy stopgap until they are a bit older and I can indulge myself in the power of not having to kick kick kick!!
I will have to stop saying TV too, telly is popular here but frankly it sounds just as odd!