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RE: Stick It

in #life5 years ago

Well, I'm glad you got your loaf pinched off without fouling your nest. That's always a good thing.

I have a genuine Purina oak cane that is used for showing hogs that I carry along on my walks from time to time. Not to help me walk, you understand but to fend of the occasional rabid dog that I might encounter. Rabid Pomeranians are significant problem around here, you know.

I also have a knee brace made of fancy ass materials. The beauty of this brace is that it will work on either side, and seems to help significantly. It's discreet enough that you can wear long pants over it and the neighbor ladies will just think you are a manly man that is happy to see them.

You just as well get a brace sooner rather than later. You aren't getting any younger and knees don't seem to improve with age.


I am hoping that it is just an injury which will clear up but I will be seeing the doctor as soon as. Or rather having an annoying phone appointment again, which is something about COVID which is really annoying me. I want a doctor to look at it dammit.

I could be doing with a fancy dan cane. You never know when those vicious Pomeranians will strike!! :0D

Just like a good boy scout it pays to be prepared for those Pomeranians. Chihuahuas too, in this part of the world. Vicious bastards.

Goddamn, I have had experience of those little pests. They can take an unwary man's ankles out from under him!!

They really do tend to be nasty little bastards. They've got 'little dog' syndrome.

I have enough trouble dealing with folks who have little dog syndrome in work!

Yeah. I have long surpassed my lifetime exposure limit to 'little dog (or man) syndrome'. Ugggghhhh.

I was standing at a urnial in a crowded bar situation when I heard the best answer ever. Some guy walked by and asked a friend "How's the weather up there?" He answered with "A hell of a lot better than down there with my farts."

Lol. I like a good comeback!!