Lots of altercations lately. I am minding my business as usual but something always comes up to disturb my flow. It happens when I least expect it. One moment I am deep in my spirit and suddenly I am not. A misery loves company creature hits me with vitriol. Makes me dizzy sends me spinning and I curse the creature to hell and beyond.
I hold nothing back. I hit where it hurts. The fiends get even more belligerent. I have struck a nerve. Now they are foaming at the mouth with naked hostility. Does not bother.me. They asked for it. I can be a fiend too. I can war with the worst of them.
Eventually I cool down and get back to my reverie. I just wish to be left alone but fools are everywhere. There's always another miscreant itching to trigger chaos.
I would rather think it a fictional literary journey.
But sometimes , you have to fight to be a man, else they take you for a fool!!I do hope this prose is not about my friend @billykeed.
Nevertheless, strive to be a friend, not a fiend!! Ok?
Am friend most times. But fiend is reality in the city