Music is everywhere

in #life9 years ago

Hey steemers, today I was playing my guitar and came upon the realization that music,is everywhere;even we humans make music "whether it's a burp, fart, heavy snoring,or a yawn,it's all around!its even in the stars.It all fits together, music and harmonic resonance. The twenty first octave of the hydrogen alpha wavelength is about;6912 meters which is a frequency of 490 hertz, on the scale of music 490 is a flat sounding b note.So it is true,music is everywhere people look.From what I've personally observed, even animals are affected by music. I had a cat named Mr Geed, a few years back(God rest his sweet soul)and he would always sit and watch me play my guitar,he never failed to miss a performance.He seemed calmed somewhat by my soft mellow playing, and terrified by my loud heavy metal stylingsl;he'd go nuts and run around the apartment in some frantic bid to get away.When I would leave the room he would stay behind and pluck the strings with his little kitty cat paws.I miss that cat, he's been for a couple of years now. I believe music is the, "sound of spirit"The home of hopes'and acceptance,and a voice for the unspoken.So far reaching and influential, music knows no bounds." It's not physical' but yet can be anywhere'at anytime.We are music. And did you know that some of the principles of  harmonics are the mirror image of acoustics'and music. There is the twelve fold division, twelve notes in the chromatic scale, there's twelve months to a full year,twelve signs in the zodiac,(not the zodiac killer)and twelve meridians I don't know why I put the last two things sounded cool. so music, and acoustics' are so interconnected'with the unseen'realms that surround us.And that is just so mindblowing. There's nothing better than dusting off the old thin lizzy" records and putting them on the turntable.Nothing beats the sound of analogue recording;it captures sounds that modern recording techniques' cannot match.I need to hear the hum of vacuum tubes from an amplifier,or the breaths of a singer giving their best;the rawness of this style of recording appeals to many and, unfortunately, is lost to this generation it seems, it how most of us myself included, start the day;nothing beats getting ready for school while listening to our favorite tune, and for those special moments" when we cuddle with that special someone. Many a soul would not have been born if it was not for music.why do minor keys sound so sad and lonesome'how is this possible?and why does some music sound so hero like' (rocky theme)  I guess it's just one of the many things we don't stop to think about, and can't seem to live without. For me it all ties into the whole picture,there's one reality yet many perceptions of this reality, im here, I'm now 'and I love this life with a passion reserved only for lovers, have a great day,


It's a very nice message. I could not live without music. My dog came near me as soon as he saw me taking my violin. This memory makes me nostalgic.
Take care

your doggy loves music, and;loves his mom, animals' are gods'barometers, they are the next' closest 'thing to perfection'how many people do you know?personally,that would continue to call you a friend;even though you slapped' the shit' out of them, the night before ? not too many,A doggy! on the other hand, and even kitty cats,will still come to you'in spite of the fact that you are bringing is love .. pure and simple,and art is love,if it makes you cry'it will make others cry, if you make something ,happy' and worth remembering' in the fabric of all time. you've done your job,the greater the work'and the 'lesser we' artists seek recognition, the greater i believe our 'Ultimate'payoff" will be. I strive to find 'humbleness' i'm still figuring out the word,one day....through sharing, i just might find it. until then, i will continue creating' thank you again.. Sophie, for taking the time to comment on my stuff, i'll be posting soon. within the week. (PEACE)