Wonderful post @aleksandraz! You hit the nail on the head here. You know so many successful people are made through the discipline and habits they create over years of no successful or failure. That is what will create someone to become so powerful and keep them there.
I have read many stories on others that with whatever they did, they gave it there best. They gave it 100% no matter how small the job was and then when the right opportunities comes along, you will be implementing this at just the right time. You are swinging at life with the best accuracy in a way.
This does so much for you such as feeling accomplished always, progressing in anything you do, and have a strong work ethic to live a full life. I could talk a ton about this.. :)
You always make a very valid point to not overthink though or you can destroy yourself that way too. I am guilty of that one for sure.
Loved the post! Have a great day! :):)
Glad to hear it. Thank you @bitdollar!
Of course :)