im gonna say this as a friend i wish you well and i truly mean it.
but dude you talk like 12 years old nazi.well maybe you are who knows.
you have zilch grasp of reality.
first of all i don't hate whites or brown or purple all races are equal to me and i don't consider myself as a leftist or a rightests.
youre the only one here OBSESSED with skin color and race .
in my previous comment i mentioned countries not race or a skin color.
and again im going to correct you
1.who stopped slavery
-(islam),the prophet muhammad said:(There’s no difference between arabs and non arabs or whites and blacks except in piety)
2.Who invented human rights?
_not sure who invented it but i know islam was the first to implement it
3.Which countries today stone and murder gays?
_i dont know, canad!!!? you tell me and use the name of the contry, dont use colors
You are insane