A good story that starts with “I went out for a salad....? You should tell it sometime. You might get curie’d! Hahaha!! [awaits rant].
Answering your question an example is my home town has 78 pubs. My dad counted them for a quiz question ! There’s 28000 people in my home town. 30 pubs would do. They are still prominent but not as much!
That lifestyle is not for me! I want to have a good time . Not be stuck in a pub all day.
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It’s Madness Steve. I’d say working behind a bar was hard going.
sir blanchy! I will tell you that story as soon as I make a good one up! does it have to be true? lol.
lets see, 78 pubs for 28,000...in Dodge City they had about 1,200 people and 20 saloons..is that a similar percentage? I'm math challenged or I'd give the answer.
yes sir your point is well taken because you miss all of life if you're stuck in the pub all day, I would rather get my beer to go! lol.