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RE: We Ride

in #life11 months ago

That's even funnier that it actually happened . Hahah. You were mad for a few seconds but they a lightbulb went off in your head. FETCH THE LAPTOP CHILD!! How do people eat fish heads. I was out with an African lad from work one night and he ate the prawn heads. The whole thing like. Hard shell and all. I nearly got sick. From Ghana. He was reared up on prawn heads. Seriously like. It was decided in the pub that week when I spoke to a couple of real friends that we would rather eat a rat than a prawn head. untitled.gif


Ugh, how the fuck can anyone do that? The head is the worst bit. I was preparing some once and it quirteed some brain juice on me and I nearly vomited into my lovely Thai dish!

Goid that's given me the heebies. Now all I can think about is munching down on some prawn heads! 😀😀😀

One of my Scottish friends was onto me about this sausage kind of roast that you make up there. It comes like a block of ham you get in deli type thing. It was a strange beast but would love to try it .

Is that square sausage? We call it Lorne Sausage so you get slices of it instead of fat penis-esque things. Fecking lovely. My mates daughter is called Lauren and I constantly send him pictures of me holding up a pack of square sausage in the supermarket and saying, Hey, I think I just saw your Lorne... Ah, its the simple things :OD

🤣🤣🤣 yeah that's the one ..never heard of it until last week. I love a sausage meself. Whether it's knob shaped or square. For real sausage lovers , gay comebacks are water off a ducks back.

They are indeed. I am sausage daft 🤣🤣

A quality breakfast is nothing without a lovely bit of sausage. Have you tried the M&S posh dogs? I got them for a BBQ pasty year and have been hooked ever since!

Oh I must try that . There's an M&S in my place so Il pop down today . Theres a famous sausage in Ireland called the Superquinn sausage which is a supermarket that closed down a long time ago.the crowd that took over the brand kept the sausages so everyone still knows them as the Superquinn sausage even though they are now called Supervalue sausages. But the sausage connoisseur is in the know.

They're well worth it. Massive big tasty fuckers!

Hehe, its funny how there are always the good sausages that are in the know. I am hankering for one noo!