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RE: Apples

in #lifelast month

The neighbours have an apple tree and the apples fall into my garden. The dog eats them and then gets the shits. So I don't like these apple things either. One of our morning tasks is to clear the garden of apples so the kids don't get pink eye or river blindness whilst playing out the back.


I would be throwing them bastards back into their garden wrapped in the dog's shits! That would learn em. Although they would probably just think they had been invited by some manner of exotic fox :OD

Googles best ways to wrap an apple with excrement and use as a missile without getting excrement on oneself.untitled.gif

That's the important part. Not getting any blow!

My cousin saw her child with choclatey fingers the other day and had no tissue. She decided the best way to clean her childs fingers was to suck the chocolate off them. She found out after the first finger that it wasn't chocolate. 🤣

Never suck anyone's fingers. A rule of life that will keep you right 😃😃

Would you suck a toe?

Oh Jesus no. The very idea. I think I would barf!