My Experience being censored on twitter and instagram.. Part 2

in #life8 years ago (edited)

This was the start of my censorship saga, it was the post that had never been available in the public domain and I was upset. "Hey #Taiwan, Why no sewage systems outside of the city?" - Not only was I upset on a personal level but new concerns for the public right to access information had arose to me after reflection.

The censorship of social media will drastically affect the organic strength of a community to action transparent communication! The right to action transparency between a governing party and a community is one so valuable in my opinion, especially for the vulnerable in the community and this is prevalent in Northern New South Wales/Queensland - Australia where currently a governing state and its Rural Health Department had been trying to forcibly treat a child with cerebral palsy without the consent of the parents (After the fact the parents had miraculous success with natural medicine).

When someone encounters something that they feel needs to be shared publicly so action can be made in a transparent fashion, the doing so shouldn't be censored and this Australians family has done the right thing sharing something so personal with the public.

"Nine unsuccessful custody attempts and two court hearings, both of which ruled in favour of the parents, the Lady Cilento Hospital in Brisbane together with QCS, have continued to vigorously and shamefully pursue custody of this child."

So after realising twitter is nothing more than communist china manifest I am choosing to contribute my time to Steemit, but without sounding too much like an old timer "it aint what it used to be".


A repulsive demonstration of a system that has become totally inhumane. Australians have shown their humanity here by acting to support this great family. Yea !