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RE: The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: Still Willing to Work for Your Support

in #life7 years ago

I found the best cure for late winter blues is working in the abysmal dead of winter outside. I was standing in minus thirty winds putting plywood on parapets just a few freezing weeks ago. Now I'm in a t-shirt. It's still fucking cold, but not as cold as it was, SPRING!! I'm in the Canadian tropics of southern Ontario, so you may be dealing with a helluva worse winter than I, but beer weather is coming, we'll be complaining about heat and skitters in no time.

Love your handle btw, my myspace handle was "nospaceleft" because I showed up to the party as everyone was leaving, here I think it's safe to say you got in on the ground floor and despite the plummet of all our accounts, sunny days ahead.


Damn skitters!

I do actually work outside a lot. That's the only real reason why I go out there. I dread it every time but work was slow this winter. It's warming up now. Soon everything will be a big flood in Saskatchewan and work will pick up again for seeding season. Then I'll be busy and earn those beers.