Principle of the Day

in #life7 years ago

Principle:  Personality is not representative of a person's character.

.........original artwork and photography by @bleujay.

'Power Hungry versus Integrity'

Principles are timeless truths/proverbs/precepts for our ponderance.

Thank you Steemit readers.


A kind note to all new Steemians......good manners and thoughtfulness of others will take you for those who leave notes and links directing members to their site.....please be advised this is not the Steemit way.

Welcome to Steemit.

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there's always more at play ;)

power hungry? that sounds scary :D
they should be in the politics where they probably belong

I see you got lilies in bloom already!

Thank you for your thoughtful reply dear @englishtchrivy.

Yes...politics is certainly an excellent application.

No Calla Lillies here.....haha.......just a visit to warmer climes.

Should have dedicated the post to South American Steemians.

Wishing you a lovely weekend mon ami.

A bientot.

Lovely pictures, giving me a feeling of spring
But it's probably a couple of months. up to this in Norway

Thank you for your kind compliment @xpilar.

These photographs are from a visit to warmer climes........yes...spring is still a few months away here as well.

Norway sounds a beautiful place any time of year.......yet spring is probably it not?

All the best to you.


Yes, spring is the best,
Then I feel like the birds and whistles

I absolutely agree with your principle… Very good!

These white flowers are wonderful among bright green leaves. I do really love them! Great shot!

Your artwork is amazing. Good job, as always! ;)

Thank you @tangmo for your kind reply.

Appreciate you stopping by.

You know I cannot post white flowers without thinking of you. ^__^

So glad to know you enjoyed the post...especially the principle.

Thank you for the compliment concerning the artwork.....very kind of you.

Wishing you all the best.


It’s my great pleasure! Oh! I’m really happy to hear that you think of me while posting the white flowers! That’s very nice of you! You make me have wide smile now! ^______<

Wishing you all the best! ;))

What a nice way again to start the day off with your principle post ...and truly that 's said the truth somemay be harsh from outside and soft from the inside you can never pre assume about anyone until you don't know them.

Thanks again for sharing this nice principle and some elegant flower pics this looks so beautiful :)

Thank you for your kind thoughtful response @blazing.

So happy to hear you enjoyed the post and especially that you have capacity for the principle.

Calla Lillies are very elegant.....just as you say. ^__^

All the best.


How bad am I! I check and check then forget to check then remember and see I am days late!

A fine principle and yet another that cuts to the quick of things. As ever the photos then resultant art is fantastico! :O)


Thank you for persevering meesterboom.

Your kinds words regarding the post are appreciated.

Interesting you should say.....fantastico..... ^__^

Have a turn of phrase for you....that bleujay heard the other day.....

.......'polly-parrot rotation of words'......lovely.....what do you think?

All the best to you and your family.


Oh my, I have never heard that expression before. Have I missed something? There is a polly parrot in Peppa Pig, ah see how parenthood has ruined my once fine analytical brain! :O)


This phrase brought to mind.....the repetitious replies......sometimes received at Steemit.

I thought you might find it handy as you do seem to relish answering nonsense replies in a witty way. ^_^


Hehe, oh yes. In that context it makes perfect sense. In fact it inspired an animation idea for me. If I can finish it tonight. I thought a picture paints s thousand words and it might do as a reply for when inspiration isn't deserved :o)

I really love nature photos!

When assessments of the character and personality of the same person are given, they may not coincide, but also be opposite.
There are great people (persons) with a terrible character.
There are less significant persons with a golden character.

Many thanks for your great Principle and lovely artwork!
Dear @bleujay, please, accept my sincerest wishes!

Dear evgsk.'s character may emerge differently as it can do under pressure.

However a great person is one with with great integrity/character........versus a person who holds a great position with terrible character......said for clarity.

Indeed....there are less significant persons with a golden character.

So happy to hear you enjoyed the post. ^__^

Thank you for your kind wishes.......and all the best to you.

Firstly, the calla lilies are beautiful. I have always loved this flower. Soft and creamy.

I still have to think about the principle this time again....I partly get what you are saying that there is a difference between personality and character.

I've always thought we were born with a personality - kind of set....but character is something we learn and build on, hopefully allowing our character to drive our personality.

Thanks @bleujay.

Thank you for your kind and thoughful reply @countrygirl.

Sounds quite like the gist of it......enjoyed hearing your ponderance.

Also could be sort of a reminder that what we can see is not always what we encounter when one is under pressure.

Lovely to hear the Calla lilly is a favourite....a fine flower indeed.

Wishing you and yours a lovely weekend.


Thanksfor sharing the Principle of the Day with all of us. @bleujay

 Principle:  Personality is not representative of a person's character.

This is the Very Truth of our life...the Personality just define us from the out looks and the way we talk and meet people around and create an impact on the minds of other's but a Character in Person defines the kind of values they posses which shared common and collective human values and who has learned it over the time from others which many don't seem to see only the persons who has that his soul's know in particular about that.

Anyways thanks for sharing the principle and some super beautiful clicks along which made it more amazing and a treat for all of us to learn along the way.

Thanks a lot again for sharing 

Have a great day ahead


Thank you for your thoughtful reply @mkmohit.

Well said.

All the best.


Respect is everything. Great principle @bleujay

Greetings bassuniverse.

Thank you for your kind response.

So glad to hear you have capacity for the principle.


I have never thought about that before but when you start thinking of it then you see that there are two different things. Personality we see easily, this is how the person presents himself, funny, sociable but to find out the character you have to dig deeper and you will find it sometimes in extreme situation, this is the inner core, reflects attitude and behaviour. Sometimes because of our fast life in busy everyday routine we do not have to explore someone's character, or sometimes we just do not care to do so. Living in smaller community, you learn your neighbourhood better. That just reminded me a nice british serie "Barnaby" when s crime happens in a small idyll village and you learn that almost everyone has "corpse in the cellar"

Lovely reply @stef1.

Appreciated hearing your thoughts regarding the principle.

Yes....'Barnaby' would be right....almost everyone has 'corpse in the cellar'....^__^

....anyone who has lived....right?

Thank you for stopping by.


Wow, this topic regarding personality and character has really started me thinking. You have made me wonder how often “abrasive” personalities are mistaken for poor character? How often are well rehearsed “nice” personalities accepted as being attached to excellent character? As I mentioned, my wheels are turning. No doubt I will contemplate the endless combinations as I move along my path. Your posts are appreciated. Blessings upon you.

Greetings @rockykelley.

Thank you for your expressed is true as you say.

The purpose of the principles are to get the grey cells on the move.....well done.

Appreciate hearing you enjoyed the post.

Thank you for your kind wishes.

All the best.


I absolutely love your pictures and beautiful flower 😊 flowers are my favorite objects and you captured that one beautifully.
I also liked your

Good manners and thoughtfulness will take you far

Well said. My favorite quote is what my grandfather always said.
Treat others the way You want to be treated!
Also gets you far 😊
Have a wonderful evening. Cheers! 🤗

Greetings @saffisara.

Thank you for your kind words.....oh yes..a flowers are a favourite here as is hard not to post flower posts everyday.

Lovely quote from your true.

Thank you for your kind wishes.

Here's wishing you a lovely evening as well.


Some beautiful flowers nicely captured! Whenever there is a chance for greed, integrity becomes an issue...

Thank you for your complimentary reply.

All the best.


Beautiful capture. The motion of the lines on the petals give a windswept feel, almost like a sculpture.

Greetings @ukotu.

Thank you for your lovely reply.

Welcome to Steemit.

woooow very beautiful i love flowers

Thank you @beautypics.

Very kind of you to stop by.

Looking forward to seeing what you have out there.

All the best.


My parents used to have these flowers in there garden so there special to me

Another great principle some can use a great personality to mask a bad character

Thank you tattoodjay for your reply.

Lovely......yes to see Calla Lillies in a garden setting is so unexpected, academic and beautiful....a delight to the eye and mind.

Always appreciate hearing you have capacity for the principle......and you are quite right about the masking.

All the best.


Ohh yes that’s the name of them and had forgotten the name

Have a great day

very nice for first touch, I love it, keep doing what you posting, nice job. and keep practicing, if posiible play some color, it is really fun, if you want i can give you some photoshop brush for play. thanks

Thank you @glennkong.....for your kind response.

I look forward to learning all that I can.....these computer tools take they not?


The white beauty looks absolutely gorgeous. Lovely clicks :-)

Thank you for your complimentary comment @nainaztengra.


Amazing flower! Looks like it's spring again :)

Wish you a wonderful weekend :) Great words dear @bleujay as always; we are much more than what we present to the audience...

Thank you for your kind and enthusiastic response dear @pepe.maya.

Just a visit to warmer climes..... ^__^

Next week.....return to winter's wonderland.....

Lovely way of saying it.....'.we are much more than we present to the audience' true.

Thank you for your kind wishes.....and wishing you a lovely weekend as well.


So beautiful . great work and wonderful photography.
such a good experience. lovely flowers & really look

Resteem @bleujay Sir.

wow... so nice photo.
love it. thanks

I agree, but under pressure true character tends to come up 😅

Wow very beautiful photography and great article

Have a great day thanks @bleujay

Firstly Very nice photos. And respect is a phenomenon that begins to degenerate. with the progression of the generation becoming more and more lacking, the relationship remains a small knife that is disappearing. to show respect for the presence, the quality, and the respect of the person who has the respect of the material, and this is the shakiness of the beginning of the curume. some of the eastern societies that are not liked, even laughing, exaggerated, are obliged to conceive of the power of these scents.@bleujay

Bunga yang bagus, aku sangat suka poto grafi, saya orang baru di steemit, aku ingin berteman dengan bleujay

Thanks for the note, i will keep that in mind...

I lack word to describe such beauty.
This is beautiful.

What is personality then btw

Cheers to you as well. Very pretty photos. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you.

Beautiful flowers are very well taken by you @bleujay... nice to know you. I get more beautiful for first visit you...


Wow beautiful photography look like a proffasional photographer

Respect is one of the key to success.

Lovely photos and proverb @bleujay. Makes for an insightful start to my weekend. Keep up the good work ... always following along on your journey :)

persons character is often mislead by just a single thought thinking from others perspective but this principle says the truth thanks for sharing this one :)

A character is a thing that makes us humble it takes a lot of time to build up but some don't seem to be doing justice with it....
Thanks for sharing this principle of the day post.

this post very nice..and great photography...i appreciate your click & writing @blujay .carry on my friend!!!!!!!!!!

Hi bluejay.. Nice work.. Principles are decorating with flowers.. Love the shoots.. Awsomeeee.. You are right.. Leaving notes is as bad as begging.. Better to communicate with others daily and make good friends on steemit.. Thanx for enlighten this thing..
Yes this is an important thing.. In history many great leaders and thinkers had very different personalities.. And usually its common behaviour that people decide about someones character to see its personality dressing etc..

Thank you for your kind reply biyanoor are correct....principles with photographs/icing/decoration. ^__^

It is under pressure...that ones character is perhaps more evident......when it is easier to choose to run away rather than the hard thing...which is to face the music with integrity/character.

Enjoyed hearing your thoughts.


You are welcome... Yeah..
You are right..

those are some of the beautiful flower pictures you just shot and the principle is outstanding revealing the truth of today's time

Thank you for your kind reply.

So happy to hear you enjoyed the post.


beautiful flowers...great shot

i really like ur pics good work,whats the name of this camera?

Greetings axleemusic.

Welcome to Steemit.

How about a Canon EOS Rebel T5......hope that assists.

All the best. Cheers.

great idea. Character is always a bigger scope compared to personality. keep up the good work

Well Very nice thoughts.
&To avoid people who just want you to upvote or Follow them is a good thing.enjoy ur life to the best......
Hi @bleujay,it's a while I visited ur blog. Regards @crafter

Thank you for dropping by @crafter.

Kind Regards, bleujay.

Looks Great!!! You are awesome @bleujay my friend

Greetings @queqtra.

Thank you.

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This is not the Steemit way.

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really nice photography
thanks for sharing photo
carry on
waiting for your next photo
I always want to work with you. From now on I will be waiting for your every blog.

Lovely pics.

good post ...
can give knowledge to me..

Very good contrast among your photos of white flowers as if to reflect integrity of the flowers amidst the uncertain environment!
Your black and white drawing reminds me of Chinese ink painting I used to learn as a kid.

Very true! Personality can be cultivated and trained. But can one hide one’s character!?

Thanks for reminding me of this principle.

Greetings kaminchan.

Thank you for your kind words and splendid reply.

Appreciate the compliment regarding the artwork......whilst it is digital.....bleujay does seek to find ways for the work to appear of material.....

Your ponderance of the principle is one to think on......personality is used sometimes to hide one's true character indeed.

All the best to you.


Thank you for your nice reply!


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