Principle of the Day

in #life3 months ago

Principle;...Do you want to understand or do you want to be understood?

....original photography by Bleujay ...






'A Bowl of Cherries'



Greetings Dear Readers;


Hope you are well and staying comfortable this summer/winter...wherever you are.

Whenever Bleujay presents this Principle it is met with the reply....'I want both.'..and we do we not? However we can seek to understand but we cannot make anyone understand us.

Thus...the more we understand, the more we know, the less important it will be to be understood.

Let's give it a think.

Thank you for visiting 'Principle of the Day'. ^__^

Kind Regards,



Principles are timeless truths as relevant today as they were yesterday and will be tomorrow.


...original painting by Bleujay...





'A Peony of a Different Sort'


Information regarding the 'Icing'(photographs and painting) for 'Principle of the Day';

All original photography/editing is by Bleujay by means of an iPad Pro. Cherries featured in this post are in an Vintage Copper Gelatine Mould on Linens... Still life arranged, etc. by Bleujay. Artwork, 'A Different Sort of Peony' is representative of a very unique Peony, in a Watercolour painting and drawing composed and executed by Bleujay using quality Art materials, D'Arches Watercolour Paper 140lb, Not Press, Watercolour tube paint Winsor&Newton.


I have followed you on different platforms and have always appreciated and admired your approach. I also took a long break and was hardly active online over the past 4 years. The lesson I learned during this challenging period of my life was exactly this principle: it is more important to understand than to be understood. Thank you for reminding me! All the best!

Greetings @gabeboy ,

You are too kind....appreciate your kind words.

This is indeed one of the hardest lessons to learn in is worth it. ^__^

Kind Regards,


We have to reach a certain age and mindset to understand, that it's more important to understand than to be understood. 😉

It definitely tilts on the first part! Then follows through. Hopefully that is!

Greetings @meesterboom ,

Yes...hopefully is right... ^__^

Thank you for dropping by.....appreciate it.

Kind Regards to you and your good lady on this fine day.


And many regards you you guys too 🙂

If we could only choose 1, I would say I prefer to understand over being understood.

Having rounded the sun so many times, I care less and less what the masses think of me and whether they understand me. That being said, I still care, but only in the context of people who look closer at my intentions and approach me to understand.

I will get the gratification of knowing, even when other people do not know I know, for the gift of wisdom. That is hopefully out weighing my ego as I progress in this life.

I choose to understand.

Awesome painting too! You have a nice tough in blogging and art to keep it simple and beautiful. Not sure why it took me 7 blockchain years to discover you but happy I finally did!

Greetings @zekepickleman , only get to choose one...hehe,

Your reply is so well said....esp...

'I will get the gratification of knowing, even when other people do not know I know, for the gift of wisdom. That is hopefully out weighing my ego as I progress in this life.

I choose to understand.' is our understand.

Thank you for your kind encouraging words..regarding the post and icing To be fair ..Bleujay took some time away in 2019...and has only returned recently...April 2024.

Lovely to have made your acquaintance as well. Your posts are a Hive treasure.

Kind Regards to you and your family,


I don't talk much, I listen more than I speak, this allows me to analyze both people and what they say, that's why I prefer to understand people rather than be understood.
I wish you a happy start to the week

Greetings @lupega ,

Thank you for dropping by.

Appreciate hearing your kind reply....yes..being a good listener will take you far.

Cheers, Bleujay

Beautiful shots, is that a goblet?

Greetings @josediccus ,

Appreciate you dropping by.

Thank you for your kind words regarding the photographs/icing.

Oh that it were a goblet...a fine goblet it would is a copper mould for puddings, or may see it from time to time in Bleujay's photographs as it is quite photogenic. ^__^

Kind Regards, Bleujay

Oh, it is actually very photogenic. I watched a lot of Roman movies and I saw cups as this in the movies, and it looks a little similar to the one in this picture

'Dae ye want tae kin ur dae ye want tae be understuid?'...

"Hmmm...It's mair important fur me tae be understuid, thereby Ahh wull be better obeyed! Aurrrrrgh! Haw! Haw! Haw!" 🤔😄 -Keptin


Yes...yes...I know..There should be a disclaimer here for those of rank of course.....

Greetings Keptin!

Sometimes it is beyond my Kin. ^__^

May your orders always be they should be!

Kind Regards to you and your good lady!

Able Seaman Bleujay

"Keeps up th' braw wark Able Seaman! Ye must be patient in yer advancement as theys above ye hav bin crew fur a lang time." 😉

Greetings Keptin, Yes..Sair..I understand. ^__^

I choose to understand rather than to be understood since we have different opinions.😊

Greetings @fixyetbroken ,

Thank you for dropping by. ^__^

Let's look at the Principle....Do you want to understand or do you want to be understood?

To want to understand is to wish to have knowledge, facts outside of yourself, your wish to be understood is a more self-centred sort of thing,

Take for example 'The heat'....high temperatures.....someone complains and wants everyone to understand how miserable they are....others may understand that these things are cyclical and focus on that rather than how the circumstances affect them personally.....make sense?

Cheers, Bleujay

It means, understanding the situation rather than complaining and announcing to everyone about your situation so that you will be understood. Thank you for elaborating more.

I think, I'm in a class, learning many types of principles in life. Well. I'm glad to have a teacher here on the platform.😊 Thank you so much.😊

My pleasure @fixyetbroken

When I heard my first Principle...I carried it around with me like it was gold...Truths are always lovely to have around....especially when they become part of your thinking.

Cheers, ^__^

True indeed. Have a great day ahead.😊

Waiting for the next principle.😊

The berries are a lot, I like it 🥰

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Thank you @hivebuzz

Awesome work @bleujay! Your Hive achievements are truly inspiring. Keep it up!