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RE: Principle of the Day

in #life6 years ago

Thank you for your thought-full reply @hansenatortravel.

It is true as you say.....however for those who make good decisions from a position of strength/knowledge/truth.....what a journey life is....rather than marking time as it were.

Ah yes.....steemiteducation....hehe.....

What does 'too well set' mean?

Appreciate your fine compliments.

All the best to you.



I'm just saying that if we were allotted more tags, then you could probably find good use for them. I'm starting to use the homesteading tag and a friend of mine tells me that she can help me tutor remotely. Should work out great! Have a good night bleujay!
PS Believe it or not I just found 25 bitshares. Haha. Worth a whole 2.60 USD.

Oh are right.......we could use another tag or even two... ^__^

What good news and then more good news....I am delighted for you.

Wishing you all the best.
