Today's Timeless Truth

in #life2 months ago

Principle: 'The only person you can change is yourself.'

...original photography by Bleujay...






'Objectivity Required'


Greetings Dear Readers;


Hope you are well and comfortable in whatever your weather.

This is probably a Principle most people have figured out but have yet to apply to life. 'The only person you can change is yourself.'

Because Life continuously changes; we meet new people through new circumstances,and then again we are faced with that ageless problem that someone needs to change....what we can change is most probably our attitude...putting on the hat of objectivity.

Let's give it a think.

Thank you for dropping by. ^__^

Kind Regards,



Principles are timeless truths as relevant today as they were yesterday and will be tomorrow.





....original watercolour paintings by Bleujay...





Value Study




Information regarding the 'Icing' (photographs/artwork) for the Principle.

All original photography/editing is by Bleujay by means of an iPad Pro. Flowers featured in this post are Tulips. Artwork; watercolours are composed and executed by Bleujay using quality Art materials, D'Arches Watercolour Paper 140lb, Not Press, Watercolour tube paint Winsor&Newton, Watercolour sable brushes, size 4 and 6 and Graphite.


We always have the opportunity to change ourselves and this is part of the freedom that God has given us, we can sin, or avoid sin, but it is so difficult to change ourselves sometimes and I understand how difficult it is to try to change something in others.
Blessed day to you @bleujay!

Greetings @barski ,

Very kind of you to drop by. ^__^

Yes...That freedom is what makes Christianity it not.

You said, "but it is so difficult to change ourselves sometimes"...which is why we name our sin(s) to God the Father and ask for His strength in resisting temptation(s).

Thank you for your kind wishes and the beer...

Cheers, Bleujay

Of course, but sometimes people question it, or underestimate their own power to change something.:) !VSC

Hi @bluejay , I hope you're having a great day today. I'm glad to see your post about life and your beautiful artwork.

The principle --- "The only person you can change is yourself."; resonates deeply with me; I believe self-change is indeed the most powerful tool we have. It's a reminder to focus inward and approach life's challenges with objectivity and grace.


Greetings @curamax ,

Appreciate your kind reply....happy to hear you can appreciate the post.

Yes...with objectivity and Grace is it not.

If one is focused inward....they must have something inside.

Kind Regards, Bleujay

Beautiful shots, the second picture is unbelievable, the range and the length, and the dark background as well.

Greetings @josediccus ,

Thank you for your kind complimentary reply ....happy to hear you enjoyed that particular's a keeper.

Interestingly enough, I was catching up on your posts when you dropped this reply. How about these verses....from Proverbs6.22..When you walk, it shall lead thee; When you lie down, it shall guard thee; And when you awake, it shall talk with you. The word 'it' is the personification of Doctrine of the Word, that you have learned. This is as translated from the Hebrew language by my Pastor. His work can be found here...

Here's hoping you are feeling better today. ^__^

Thank you for dropping by.

Kind Regards,


Certainly, friend, the only person we can try to change is ourselves, of that we can be sure, and well, it is a pleasure to greet you and wish you an excellent weekend.

Greetings @hjrrodriguez ,

Thank you for your kind reply and kind wishes.

Happy to hear you can appreciate the principles.

Wishing you and yours an excellent week's end.

Cheers, Bleujay

a totally true truth in addition to being 100% real

Greetings @ferod23 ,

Yes..100% real....^__^

Happy to hear your kind reply with regard to the Principle.

Cheers, Bleujay

Trying to change how another person thinks or acts is a total waste of time unless you are dealing with a young child. During a child's formative years, you have some influence over how they think and behave, but that window is small.
When you think of the political scene in this country today you realize just how locked in people are in their beliefs, right or wrong. Being open-minded is a thing of the past.
Rather than trying to change another, it is best to be introspective and realize that we could all be and do things better. Coming to grips with our own shortcomings is hard enough, never mind pointing out someone else's need to change.
We all have flaws so concentrate on making yourself a better person.

Greetings @thebigsweed ,

Oh true!

and yes...with regard to children, indeed.

I wish it were not so...however it does seem that way...the objectivity required in order for society to function is quite scarce.

We are humans and therefore right. ^__^

Kind Regards to you and your good lady.


So true!


In a chaotic universe that is constantly conspiring to kill us, all we can control is how we react to what it throws at us.

Greetings @zekepickleman ,

..And here I thought you were at the links. ^__^

It looks like a certain principle applies here....Read the blurb below the pictures.

I am hoping in your own objective way you are responding to said chaos of the universe...of which there so much and more to come. I hope you are on God's team as well.

The photograph from your Garden is lovely. Do you mind if it becomes a model for an artwork...You would be mentioned in the credits...if something should come of it.

Kind Regards to you and your good lady.


@bleujay! @curamax Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @curamax.

(html comment removed: )

Thank you @curamax ...appreciate it!