...in the ER

in #life7 years ago

At ER with Ner Ner, thats my mom. She is 82 with Parkinsons among other things. She slipped, then cracked her wrist trying to stop her fall. She is fine now, going home eating a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit from McD's with a banana/strawberry smoothie (because she was hungry)!
Blue Rockers, as you know, and now Steemians, as you will learn, Ner Ner's tough and quite the trooper as you can see:

Thanks for the love Blue Rockers!🖖

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~Connie Willis🖖




Sorry to hear about Ner Ner. Praying for a quick recovery!

~bluerocktalk🖖Thank you @kp138, she is doing great! Its a little hard to do things with that left hand now that she has a cast on. https://www.youtube.com/c/BlueRockTalkwithConnieWillis

Praying and positive thoughts to both you and Ner Ner!

~bluerocktalk🖖We appreciate those thoughts @toddcurry, they are much needed! https://www.youtube.com/c/BlueRockTalkwithConnieWillis

I hope she get better soon! All the best..

Hi Connie. Do as much as you can with your mom, as long as you can. I lost my mom and step-dad, along with two aunts, almost two years ago, within one month...shook me (us, really) up pretty bad...and I live 320 miles from where they were, and being that traveling is difficult, due to many, many disabling injury/accidents, I couldn't visit them as often as I would have like to...be close to her, and just love her...it's her time to be cared for now...

~bluerocktalk🖖Thank you @james83501. I'm so sorry to hear about your many losses all at the same time. Wow, that was tough, I am sure.

Thank you...and yes...it was tough.

I am sorry to hear that, she seems like a heck of a gal. I lost my grandmother of 87 six months ago from complications of a fall in her home. I know how heart-wrenching these events can be. My hopes and prayers are with you both. These people in our lives are so incredibly important, I smile every time I think of her because of such great memories and I am smiling thinking of the level of care and love she has been shown by you during her difficulties. Again best of luck @bluerocktalk, I hope to hear of a great recovery on your next coast broadcast or upcoming posts here.

Back on Coast the 27th. Recovering from Cold/Flu right now.

~bluerocktalk🖖You are very kind @cryptkeeper17, I appreciate that kindness so much. https://www.youtube.com/c/BlueRockTalkwithConnieWillis

get better soon Ner Ner, the Moon samples should help with a speedy recovery!

~bluerocktalk🖖Lol, you were listening well "Danielson"! Lol... very funny! (I hope you got that joke reference @therush) https://www.youtube.com/c/BlueRockTalkwithConnieWillis

Wow, we have a lot in common. We're both down with the flu and my mom was just in the ER after accidentally cutting her arm wide open on a can lid. She's back home now too. I'll have to check on what she had for dinner...

hope you are feeling better, I can barely talk
~bluerocktalk🖖Interesting similarities @stan!

Sorry to hear. I pray she’s back to full health quickly! God bless. And I don’t know where Dr Bombay came from. 😁. Hoping someone comments and tells me. 😁

~bluerocktalk🖖We appreciate the prayers @coolbowser, but surprised you no nothing of "Dr Bombay"! Lol. He was on the TV show years back called, "Bewitched". They would call out to him at any time, "Dr Bombay! Dr Bombay!", and he would appear. https://www.youtube.com/c/BlueRockTalkwithConnieWillis

Whoa. Again I am hopeful this all turns out for the best for Ner Ner. Yesterday I commented on this article originally and mentioned my grandmother passed away about six months ago. I posted an article earlier today (with content not that much more different than usual). As this is my first birthday (in 38) without her calling sending a card, as I was her first born grandchild. In that card, since we were of adult age she would send us a check for $125. She had a heart of gold, and this was just the kind of person she was. Well, at about 1 o'clock today, the time I usually get my mail every day, except for today, I was checking my most recent post I finished about an hour prior. Within exactly one hour, at the time I usually go to the mailbox, my post was voted up to a total of 24.75sbd. At the time, SBD current price multiplied by 24.75 was $125 and a few pennies. It actually took about an hour for it to register. I still have goosebumps, there is absolutely no logical reason for the few whales on here that upvoted the post to do that. I looked at the HOT tab on steemit and my post was in the top 10-12. Obviously, I certainly don't miss the birthday card and check near as much as I miss the phone call I would make to her when I got the card in the mail to thank her. Your talking about Ner Ner the other day had me thinking I should send you this crazy coincidental series of events. I am hopeful your story turns out well I am sure you know the Coast audience is pulling for you at this time. Keep on rockin, Connie, @bluerocktalk!

~bluerocktalk🖖OMG, that is a wonderful story @cryptkeeper17!!! Wow!! So glad you posted your thoughts to other Steemians. This sure wouldn't have happened on FB, lol. Your grandmother is guiding you for sure!! https://www.youtube.com/c/BlueRockTalkwithConnieWillis

wow... that is a great thing to share... I get goose bumps for you just listening to it... thanks for telling me about it cryptkeeper17

very cool Connie, @cryptkeeper17 told me to come check out your page... He speaks quite highly of you. Its nice to meet you and I'm happy to be here in steemit and follow your stories. My mom fell a year ago and broke her shoulder (81) and she told me bones don't heal as fast when you get a little older. So its nice to see your grandma's tough though, its a good sign for you since you have here genes ;)

Subscribe to my YT channel for more goodies! 😀

~bluerocktalk🖖lol, she is my mom. She will love the kind words and I love the compliment @davemccoy. @cryptkeeper17 is great! And what a fantastic story he told-wow! https://www.youtube.com/c/BlueRockTalkwithConnieWillis

Yes I agree, he's good! Energetic too lol... Nice to meet you and I will subscribe right now... Have a good day :)

Really great video.nice blog.

Thanks for amazing video again.

Must be a tough and trying time. It's not easy to see those who reared us that we care for going through any discomfort. Try to stay positive, sending positive vibes and well wishes bluerock.