we had a rare opportunity to goniut midweek with no kids to have to worry about. School holidays mean that we can palm junior off to friends for a sleepover (he wanted to go... ) and big junior went tobstay at the gf house after his basketball game. His team won, with him scoring 34 points and giving at least a dozen assists to his team mates... not bad!
After the game, instead of just picking up some take aways, we headed in to a local restaurant which still has it's kitchen open after 8pm... not many of those arounf these days... and had some good food.
I had Tasmanian Salmon on sweet potato mash with lemon butter sauce.. delicious, just look at that!
We had a good time eating and chatting over our meal and wine, and then headed home.... to sleep.. I had work the next day!!😉
All in all a great night out spending some quality time together, which we don't get nearly enough opoortunity to do. It has made the week go that much better.
Hopefully we'll be able to fit a few more date nights into our schedule.
Older junior has a gf now? Aww how cute! He's probably at least technically an adult now though right XD
The food both looks and sounds good!
Yay for restaurant and quality time :)