This is my cousin Bobek.
He saw I was doing this Steem thing and when he heard other people post things for money, well he got excited. See, Bobek lost his job at the electric fly swatter factory. It was his life's passion. Killing those silly pests was the only thing that could get this guy up in the morning. He said he loved hearing them fry. It's a little weird how much this guy took pride in killing flies. I mean look at the picture, he thinks he's fucking rambo.
Anyway, I feel bad for him. He mopes around his apartment either watching Shark Tank reruns and yelling at Mr. Wonderful, or weeping to soft sitar music in his bathtub sans water. It's super messed up. I mean, he's a weird dude, but I just feel bad for his lack of purpose.
Bobek needs a job. I'm reaching out to Steem Global to find out if anyone reading this works for a company that makes electric fly swatters. If that's a yes, please contact me. Bobek would be a great addition to their team.
Let's make Bobek great again. #letsmakebobekgreatagain
ur my hero
and you mine
Pretty funny story
thanks. glad i could entertain for a minute
LOL. Thanks for the laugh. Maybe with all of Bobeck's new found riches he could upgrade.

lol. This is incredible...hahah