Very often sends challenges our way that are hard to get out of the way from...not all chances one takes are the "best" results...consequences of actions can last a needs to "live but recognizing the results aren't always "fun"....the script we write does not always follow the plot we plan...
Actually...I find sitting having a cup of tea the best thing to do at times when things are most hectic...a moment of contemplation is never wasted. Plus I do "live it up" by adding in some honey!
The challenges life throw at us are part of the living we must live. Tough time don't last, tough people do and that is part of our existence. Oh yes! Sitting down to enjoy a cup of tea gives us a moment to reflect and that was why i said "may we get more out of life than just a cup of tea".
Life will never give you what you deserve but what you demand and that is still the essence of living. Risk is part of living.
Thanks for your view...duly appreciated.