Hello everyone and welcome to this episode of Hearing Voices. I’m David Angelo and this week we are continuing our talk on the Law of Attraction, this week focusing on how our thoughts create our experiences.
Today’s Voices Heard is from Dr Wayne Dyer's book “The Shift.” “If our true essence is Spirit, and we believe that is where we come from, it seems to me a simple task to reconnect to this authentic part of ourselves. One way to do this is to shift our thoughts and actions to the ways in which we imagine creative energy thinks and acts when its energy materializes in form.”
Let’s get started.
When we come to understand that the things that come into our experience are not there by any conscious, physical action that we have taken, we begin to have more awareness and become more mindful of our thoughts and our attentions.
See we did not intend to create our experiences through any physical activity or actions to make it so. We intended for our thoughts to become things that would then be enjoyed by the marvelous senses pulsing through our physical bodies. So, our Creative Mind creates and our physical body enjoys the creation – how cool is that?
Another way to illustrate this is by using the example of a treadmill. You launch your joy-filled creation in thought then step onto the treadmill which is the path to the thing you just created in the present and it is awaiting you in the future. As you walk in the direction – and the treadmill only has one direction – of your desired creations you are filled with feelings of happiness, goodness, joy; all things that indicate you are in alignment with your highest good and the treadmill continues to beckon you forward. The closer you get to that creation the better you begin feeling and through the Law of Attraction more inspirations come to you and the good feelings become stronger and stronger and more frequent and more intense.
Every emotion expressed every feeling you have is an in-the-moment play-by-play direct communication from your inner being informing you about whether you are focused on a positive thought or negative one – everytime without fail and always on target! For example – if your current thoughts are not in a vibrational alignment with Higher Self you will feel a negative emotion – and the opposite of course is also true.
Because of the Law of Attraction we are like powerful magnets attracting into our experiences more of the way we feel at any point in time.
Evidence is all around us in the things we say collectively:
• “Birds of a feather flock together”
• “Murphy’s law – whatever can go wrong…”
• “Another day, another dollar…”
These have become ingrained in our collective psyche without realizing the creative powers these words have. Eventually that which we think about becomes that which we get to experience. By making the conscious effort to pay attention to the way we feel – we don’t have to stand guard over our every thought or second guess what we are thinking, but how we are feeling, we will more easily be able to, on purpose, change the direction of our thoughts.
An acting coach I had once instilled in me a very important lesson about acting. Good acting is re-acting to what is going on within a given scene – and your reaction comes from how you are honestly feeling in that moment. If you try to fake how you are feeling, we the audience can sense that – and we have all witnessed bad acting. But if you are true to how you are feeling, the scene will be more believable. As an exercise the actor will consciously go about his day checking in with himself often and asking “how am I feeling” “how do I feel about that.” There are no right or wrong answers – just an honest assessment of how you feel. A director might say that this scene has your character becoming very angry and as you rehearse the scene your partner delivers their lines, you then ask yourself “how is that making me feel”, your answer could very well be “I feel sad” but the director is looking for anger. Remember you are in control. You have recognized your current emotional state on the scale as being sad and you need to get to anger. The first step was awareness, now you can simply go within to see how you can elevate your feelings into anger.
As my coach would say, “If you’ve got it we’ll get it.”
I’ll close today’s program with a quote from Kahlil Gibran – “And your body is the harp of your soul, and it is yours to bring forth sweet music from it, or confused sounds.”
Take care of yourselves and take care of on another. I’m David Angelo
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