Good morning stemians friends is not a secret to anyone that homosexuality is a controversial topic among many people, some often turn out to be homophobic, while for others a homosexual person can become his best friend (a)
The flag of the rainbow, also known as the "flag of freedom", was created by Gilber Baker as a symbol of pride for the Pride Parade of San Francisco in 1978.
Therefore, what should we know when we are living or sharing with someone who considers himself homosexual? What should our reaction be? As we will see, as taboo or fashion?
For starters let's ask, what is homosexuality?
It is a romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender. As a sexual orientation, homosexuality is "a lasting pattern of emotional, romantic and / or sexual attraction" to people of the same sex.
Uranus was the first magazine dedicated to the homosexual public created in 1870. However, only one issue was published.
Taboo homosexuality?
Talking about homosexuality is still something that many people can confuse or disturb, we must remember that it is a sexual orientation and it is up to us to respect the right of every human being, many homosexuals have been victims of HOMOPHOBIA, however in the last years to diminished, because reason ?? homosexuality has ceased to be a TABU for many and they have simply realized that homosexuality does not affect anyone.
Did you know that: during the Second World War in the concentration camps, gays were marked with an inverted pink triangle. Today, the collective has claimed its symbolism and includes it as one of the movement's symbols of struggle.
Did you know that: In 1998 the transgender artist Dana International, who represented Israel, won the prize and her song Diva became a hymn for the homosexual community.
So, should we be selfish and despise our brother or sister for simply having another sexual inclination or thinking differently? CLEAR THAT NO, remember that they are human beings who feel with their own hearts, who have full freedom and can decide what to do with their lives, in order we must respect their rights and avoid entering TABU.
I know who you are and say what you feel, because those who are bothered do not care, and those who care do not mind. Dr. Seuss.
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buen dia, estos temas tienen que ser conversado a nivel educativo para que dejen de ser tabu