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RE: Not having any human kids. Are you going to be lonely?

in #life2 years ago

Did you know there are actually online communities dedicated to people who have made this life choice. I am not a member of any of them, but I have read about them. My wife and I definitely fall into the DINK (dual income no kids) category. I think if we had met earlier in life things might have been different, but then again who knows. Like you said, we get to do whatever we want whenever we want. Plus we have nieces and nephews that we get to spoil the hell out of and give them back when we are done. I do worry about who will take care of us when we are older, but there isn't much point dwelling on that right now. A million things could happen between now and then. When we first got together my wife and I talked about fostering for a time, but honestly, we are just too selfish I think. We like having our own time and having each other. The fact that we are both kind of introverted makes things difficult, we have a very small circle of friends.

When I see friends that have kids, the kids basically dictate every aspect of their lives and they can't go and do anything unless they come along as well

I agree with this, I also agree with the opposite of it. There are many parents who still try to live their lives and the kids end up suffering because of it or basically raising themselves. It's sad.


I do worry about who will take care of us when we are older

Hopefully having your DINK lifestyle you will be able to afford to have the best sort of care. I know there is a thriving retirement scene in Thailand and I don't know what it costs, but it was MUCH nicer than the almost jail-like environment that I have seen in these sorts of places back in the USA.

Interesting! I just might end up becoming an expat too one day!

I just remember the home that my own grandfather was in and it was just super depressing. I'd like to think that I have been wise enough with my financial choices that I can move into something a lot better than that. They charged a LOT of money at this place he was in as well. I think a lot of that is a racket in the states and probably elsewhere as well.

Why not move into a luxury villa somewhere that is actually nice for the same price?

Yeah, they totally screw you over. I know a lot of those places you have to basically sign over all your finances to them. It is a total racket. I agree, it would be much better to just have your own little bungalow somewhere and higher a private nurse rather than being in a home.