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RE: Reflecting on the shitty days of computing

in #life11 months ago

We always had a computer at home even before they were really a thing. Never an Apple, but we had an old TI that you had to write the programs any time you wanted to run one. By the time I got into a class in the High School that had PC's, I knew more about them than our teacher. Most of the kids just sat around playing "Scorched Earth". T1's used to be the best, but when you consider they were only 1.5Mbps, they are pretty lame these days. We still have a couple circuits running to our old buildings but they have since been replaced with fiber. I have a lot of virtual machines running Ubuntu. It just works so well for most things. You are smart not to let on that you know tech. I'm honestly a bit tired of being everyone's tech support these days.


Now I have to look up what Scorched Earth is. Not familiar with it.

I do remember sneaking out of my class in middle school to go to this one classroom where the teacher had installed Kings Quest on it and we would try to figure it out together, that was pretty neat.

Kings Quest were some epic games. I remember I had one of them and it had EGA graphics, so it was so much better than those CGA graphics. It's funny that you mentioned viri too. I haven't seen a real one in forever. I don't think they make them anymore. It's all about ransomware now.

I find it strange when someone gets a virus these days because I recall a video a guy made a long time ago called "stop clicking on stupid shit!" and he detailed about how he has never had a virus and doesn't even have anti-virus installed because he's not dumb enough to believe that he is the 10 millionth visitor to a website and won a free I-pad.

I guess there are some really gullible people out there though.

Kings Quest and Space Quest games were pretty epic for their time. Go and watch a video some time because they were actually a LOT harder than you probably remember.

I think I had Kings Quest 5 or 6 for my PC. The only problem I had with it was that it was so short, but back then, they were dealing with limited space and resources. I haven't seen an actual virus since I did consulting work. Like NIMDA and SIRCAM stuff. Those flash update viruses were pretty bad though. I had a client get with with ransomware from one of those.