Homesteads and Homeschools Episode 12: AnarchoChristian Homeschooling

in #life6 years ago
Another Tuesday and another episode of the Homesteads and Homeschools podcast. This week I dove into homeschooling with the host of the AnarchoChristian Podcast, Stephen Rose. We talk a bit about Stephen and his wife's high school days, and then get into the hows and whys of their homeschooling tenure and how they are able to incorporate their faith into their homeschool curriculum.

After the interview, the Liberty Hippie gets into some free market ways to capture and use CO2. Specifically he examines a company called Blue Planet that has designed a method of capturing CO2 to create aggregate for concrete. It's an interesting free market design on the surface, but the owner also exhibits some prime cronyism suggesting that this method of capture and use will do well because governments have the power to force companies to use aggregate derived from captured CO2.

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