Trees from Drones!

in #life6 years ago

The free market is a wonderful thing that can solve a multitude of problems if given the chance. It can produce cures for once deadly diseases, or develop ways to transfer information almost instantly, and who knows where it will end up in the future. The glory of the market is that it can do things for a much lower cost than if a government organization was to attempt the same project. It also allows those who value a particular project the opportunity to invest in that project without having to pay the middle-man, at the same time it allows those who might find a project unworthy of our funds an opportunity to invest those funds in something more useful.

For example, a company called BioCarbon Engineering has developed drones to help reforest the world at a much faster, cheaper, and more efficient way than humans could ever achieve with their own bare hands. And the best part, if you don't think this is something important you don't have to support them! Your support is voluntary!

Go check them out and be a part of the free market by deciding to support them, or not. It's your call!

Sow seeds of liberty so we can all reap sheaves of freedom together.
doge - DDAJMYvKMiZtGNsEXyfNw4GaagvSrL4QYE
ltc - MTndBdTmzE9CyPEJak8PJPyZfYE3uCyJFD
btc – 3MTXSsDkhpzDsmPZhxGUj2BRDNS4K6Wnvw

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