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RE: I haven't had a cigarette since last Saturday

in #life8 years ago

I applaude you stopped smoking, but as a smoker I must say I'm skeptical towards the vapes, I just think it's so new that they haven't proven the health risks with it, not to speak of my friends experience as a bongsmoker, with damp in your lungs you could face getting fungus there too :/ but I'm just skeptical no proof to back it up yet ;)


"something we aren't sure of" compared to "something known to cause cancer"


@klyve well we know that vapes sometimes explodes, and I KNOW I won't be holding a mini bomb 2 inches from my face :)

Each to their own my friend.

Cars explode, hair spray explodes, batteries explode.. Jesus man if you worry about the "what ifs" you just end up some cuck terrified of life. :P

It's called risk analysis, and then you have to to a cost/reward. Example: I love bungeejumping, because the thrill is so insane, even tough I know I might die from it. But yeah everyone makes their own choices;)

Meh I am ok with being an experiment.