
I am looking forward to the promised travel guide by @siren87, so I can start planning my visit!

Have fun, guys!

Thanks @mathuselah! Sure thing, bro! Just talked to her and and she said she'll do a blog post about it. When you planning to go? :)

It is still being discussed - but either in October or early 2019! :D

Man you're doing so much. My visit to Tokyo wasn't this packed haha. This is Osaka?

Haha yeah our trip was split into 4 days in Tokyo and 4 1/2 days in osaka. Feet and back were giving out after 4 days :P

Hahaa I had feet pain almost the entire time there.

My feet are in pain right now as I'm replying you while waiting for @siren87 to get out of kiddyland hahaha!


Literally lol.