So, I'll be perfectly honest. This is an extremely hard diet to dive into. I lasted about 3 weeks before I caved and ate a cooked meal. But what I will say us that during that 3 weeks I felt better now at 36 than I did when I was 25...I was sleeping 5-6 hours and feeling fully rested, didn't need coffee and just had energy all day. As a chef it was hard to not taste what I was doing, which ultimately led to me quitting the diet...I recommend it highly but suggest a slow transition. The science is there; cooking food past 116° kills the nutritional value.
Give this a watch. It's 2 parts but we'll worth it if you're trying to get back into shape...
The key to raw dieting is not the heat destroying nutritional value. Chances are the food that isn't raw doesn't have the proper nutritional value to kill. Matter of fact, you can't kill nutrient. What you kill, are enzymes. The digestion aids. An organic, self grown raw diet is not only nutrient dense, but has a proper enzyme count to utilize the nutrient.
(I'll just stash this nugget of enlightenment, right here)note: masticating juicer necessary.
One shot of wheatgrass and 16 oz green juice consisting of 8 oz fresh pressed cucumber, 4 oz fresh pressed sunflower sprouts, 4 oz fresh pressed pea shoots, a 1/4 lemon wedge, with peel, and 1/4" of ginger whatever you want, (within logical reason) for dinner. Metabolism rocket ship. Cancer cure. Fertility fixer. Living proof.
Thanks for sharing - you did well to last 3 weeks. SK.
raw dieting wow, that sounds tough @brdapwll
@jawdy it was more so because I dove right in 100% thinking I could do it ...I suggest the moderate approach.
As an example this is typically how my day went
Breakfast- cold porridge made with organic quick oats, chia seeds and almond milk. Let sit 10 min in fridge and then add fresh berries and honey or agave nectar
Snack - I snacked every 45 min or so on raw nuts like almonds and fresh fruit.
Lunch - small salad with vegetables and oil based dressings. Also fruit.
Snack - Again same as other snack period
Dinner - large salad with a ton of veg and fruit with oil based dressings.
Like I said, I felt great and you realize your stomach doesn't require a lot of food at all. We only perceive ourselves to be hungry because a lot of what we eat are empty carbs..