I wish that it was possible to take moments out of time and put them in a jar and then reach for them so that you can relive the moment when the time calls for it - wouldn't it be great if we had more than just memories to hold onto?
But with that thought and for all practical reasons that goes with it, it is certainly more important to cherish every moment that we are given. There is no certainty in tomorrow and yesterday can not be altered.
It certainly does not feel all that long ago, when I was baking mud-cakes in the backyard of our old farm house, kissing scraped knees better or reading bedtime stories or singing my baby-girl to sleep.
Before I knew it it was off to high-school and helping with maths homework started getting more difficult for me than for her, friends and boys came into play and I watched my baby blossom into a beautiful young girl. Needless to say that this age came with it own uniquely tailored set of challenges and complications but so far we have both managed to survive those AND each other.
And now, here we are standing at the last year of her high-school, preparing speeches for her new leadership role, finalizing her presidents award and drawing up portfolio's for university. (Not that I have any idea how to make that happen yet, but the years have taught me that there is always a way - and it will be no different with university) All I know is that I will need to save up quite a bit, and with the political state of our lovely country I am not sure if savings will have to go towards getting out of this country safe or towards university.
Time really does go by so fast, and that is even when you are just embracing the moments one step at a time.
I feel you @breezin, I just spent the week-end with my son... Those little monster have their way to ground our toes to the real think! ✌️❤️