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RE: Turmoil on African Soil.

in #life6 years ago

or the family that was attacked the mother was raped tortured and murdered while the dad was tied down and made to watch, after that they crucified their three year old daughter to the table, and four men raped her, she did not die yet so they wrapped her in newspaper and poured gasoline over her and burnt her alive while the father was forced to watch, then they killed the father and had dinner on the same table around the dead bodies.... Fuckin Sickening


While this account is sickening, the story needs to be told. Why don't you & @buckaroo and @cryptoand coffee create posts that are just first hand accounts of what is going on.

That is a great idea - especially seeing that none of us are even in the same parts of South Africa, and that it might show just how wide spread this problem really is!

It is beyond horrific. But according to the idiot that made the propaganda comment it seems like South African whites are all in on the big conspiracy. He must live in Noddy Land with the tooth fairy and santa's elves.

Yes for sure, and I take it that the people who up-voted his comment might live there too - I also noticed he "very selflessly upvoted his own comment with 0.23c - seems like a "really nice guy" (wipes dripping sarcasm from lips)

Well I hope it didn't upset you. Because it upset me. I've been fuming all weekend. Sarcasm isn't good enough for "mr nice guy". Ek wil hom sommer donder. Of bietjie in Soweto los....

Ag sy gat man - hy het geen idee waarvan hy praat nie.

He did not even have the integrity to respond - because he knows that he is so far from the truth that he got lost in Narnia... Just another troll trying to evoke a reaction at the cost of reality, I am sure that he would be singing a different tune if he were to endure these circumstances!

That is evil. EVIL, EVIL, EVIL. Lord send the wrath and fury of Judgment down upon the heads of those that would do such a thing! And to a child nonetheless!! 🤢🤬

It is pure evil - and not at all uncommon in farm killings - I could tell you about similar events that happened until your ears bleed - however I am sure that you get the point

@breezin, I'm adding you to my follow list so I can keep up with the news.

I share the (anonymous) information with a group of friends and correspondents who are all interested in the racial oppression and gun confiscation.

Thank you so much - I am hoping to write another article soon, Thank you for the support!