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RE: I dug out the Atari 800 and played my old games I created in the 1980's

in #life8 years ago

Our family's first computer was an Amstrad CPC 6128 in 1986 or 87, I think. We used to go the library on weekends and borrow computer programming books and type in the (very basic) programs in BASIC.

One of our favourite self-typed programs was Bomber. A plane flew across the screen over tall buildings and you could press the space bar to drop a bomb, which would destroy the top of the building. You could only drop one bomb and the time, and the plane would circle across the screen getting lower each time and faster as the game progressed. If you didn't drop the bomb at the right time and descended sooner the you destroyed the building you crashed into them.

Our computer had a 3.25 inch disk drive, so we could save the programs onto, which was a lot quicker than the CPC 464, which inly had a tape drive. We did buy a few programs on tape from a local department store and loaded them onto the computer with a cassette radio and an adapter cable.

Those were the days for a nerdy child!


I remember that bomber game. It was fun. It is amazing how far we have come and just think where we will be in another 30 years. Actually another 2 years will be mind blowing.

I think it came in the appendix of the computer manual. Mum typed it in one day while we were at school for us to play when we got home.

You are right. All this seems so basic these days, but it was all very cool and exciting back in the day.

I think I remember that game or a game like it on intelivision. It was the first time a game talked. It said, " B-52 bomber" in the intro. Me and my brother were like , holy shit!!! The game is talking!

This one didn't talk. Far too basic (BASIC) for that.