Do The Middle Class Look Like Trailer Trash To People Who Grew Up Rich?

in #life8 years ago

No matter where you grew up there are certain things you had that maybe other kids didn't. Whether that was experiences or material possessions. I was extremely lucky growing up in the fact that my parents had 36 acres of land. We had a pond to go fishing and swimming in and woods to play in and build forts. It was a great place to grow up and be outdoors. In other ways my parents were very frugal. We still had rotary phones in the late 90's as well as TVs that had mechanical dials on them to change the channel. Everyone on our road had DirectTV dishes before us. There were some hill billies down the road that had a very bad looking trailer house with a lot of non-running cars out in the driveway. They even had a DirectTV dish and I would tell my parents that even David Boyd had a satellite dish. When it boiled down to it though I would have rather been in my situation than be in David's situation. He basically ended up dropping out of school when he was in 8th grade.  He got in so much trouble his hill billy mom was "home schooling" him. Hahhahah.

No matter where you go there are good areas and bad areas and every time I have seen the bad areas I would think to myself.

"I would NEVER live there no matter how bad things got."

I started really wondering if people who grow up rich think the exact same thing about middle class housing. When they see a 4 bed 2 bath house do they see this?

Does their mindset of feeling that it is unacceptable save them from ever stooping so low as to live in middle class housing?  

Really all this only applies to people who grew up rich. If they grew up in a middle class situation they would most likely think differently about what was acceptable and what wasn't.

What do you guys think? What is acceptable? If you get rich and ascend to a nicer existence is it almost impossible to go back. Kind of like going from Dial Up Internet to Broadband and then trying to get back on Dial Up Internet again?

Thank you for reading my post and please consider following me @brianphobos


We can all aspire to something more!

A trailer hotel! GENIUS!

That is quite the zombie apocalypse compound!

That is a very interesting question. I feel like the gap from being middle class to rich is not as significant as middle class to poor. I'm sure some rich people do look down on middle class people but probably not all of them. Both rich and middle class can enjoy similar luxuries although at different extremes. Where as the poor lack most if not all luxuries afforded by the middle and upper class.

I guess it depends how poor and in what country. I see "poor" people here with better cell phones than me. A lot of times it comes down to the area they live in, how safe it is and how nice the structure is. They seem to have all the electronics.

Lovin' that trailer trash pic Brian! BRILLIANT!!

I like his 4 wheeler though!

I was laughing at the gun!!

That is the security system! Plus the beer cans on the ground will slow up Intruders. Lol

I think it's true in many cases though there are those who remember their roots. Still chances are their future generation won't.

Do you think it helps rich people have a better thought process? For instance if you calculated the percentages of people who smoke cigarettes and buy lottery tickets they tend to be less wealthy. Does the same play true for middle class habits. Like rich people just shake their head and laugh?

Perhaps, some of the poorer people see that at affordable vice where the rich can afford finer things if you can call that. I too buy lottery but I don't smoke and I tell my friends who do why do you want to pay more taxes. OK, it's actually cigarette duties but it is still going to the government. I think we have quite a high tax on cigarettes in Singapore.
Perhaps, the guys is going the right way in setting expectation for their kids:
Billionaires Warren Buffett and Bill Gates have similar ideas about how much money you should leave your kids

Here it seems like middle class people will buy lottery tickets as a joke or as entertainment when jackpots get really high but poor people will spend significant percentages of their income because the only ways they can imagine becoming rich is to win the lottery or sue their insurance company.

Oh no, no, no. :-) To me, I buy it as an investment.
Gambling is a form of investment.
An investment with absolutely very risk of losing everything and very minute chance of making very huge profit. :-)

Sound like you grew up in a nice place!

Yeah, it was pretty cool.