
A doll is like your left or right hand, same-same difference.. lol. Personally don't think there's a moral / ethical quandary here, although it seems kinda bizarre. I don't think people will ever stop boinking each other, especially now there's time for an uprising for society's problems - this is like woodstock in the 60s/70s. Even better if we're steering towards an economy of abundance (if that ever happens), which I think will kinda phase out marriage / exclusive relationships since they're economically dependent concepts. If there's anything that's certain: there's a cycle, and people are always relevant. Or maybe not :p

I don't think there is a moral issue with it either. There will still be a lot of people having sex with real people but I feel there will be an increasing number of people who will go the route of getting these realistic dolls / androids just because for a lot of people they become socially closed off. But we can't underestimate the power of pharamones! Maybe they will engineer some of those and have the android release them when the owner is near. LOL

And blockchain-powered with the power of for the sharing economy LOL. Sorry I'm disgusting, I'll get off the internet for the day.

Hahaha, Yeah the androids will certainly be blockchain-powered and will be part of the Internet of things constantly learning.

If sex with real dolls might curb our population growth, I'm all for it.

That is a good point. I think this will make the population shrink even further in the more developed nations.

In japan it is already happening with the virtual idol. As a introverted guy who doesn't get laid nearly as much as he likes to I will put this forth as guidance on my mind set and how similar ones may do the same. I will go for the average girl but going for the lower then average girl doesn't work for me because beauty is calculated into the equation always. This is beuaty independent of age and signs of it.

personally I will always strive for the real women over the personal automaton any day even if it's a little harder for me to find a date but I cannot speak for the next generation of introverts sadly and so you maybe right. This also brings up a sub market of mechanical Turks. Women (or men for that matter) who control droned robots to give them realistic responses while somone else (the client) interacts with them.

I can see it getting worse and worse and I'm not going to lie it is hard to get out there and meet attractive women. In some places in the United States I could easily go around and not really feel like there were hardly any attractive women living in that area. This could drive guys to just give up and also drive women to give up.

This is a scary reality. As if women aren't dehumanised enough something like this would make it even harder to associate women with real people!

Imagine a child growing up in a world of robot servants... I'm not even talking about sex dolls here. More than likely if servant robots were to be humanised, the majority of them would be made to imitate the female form.

How will the children of that generation view women? This will take us backwards! It's a future that frankly terrifies me.

In my eyes part of the problem is not just the technology, but the mass media and our warped view of what is attractive and our options.

We are so much fussier than it is natural to be. And women are more likely to settle for an average looking man than a man is to a woman. The reason for this I believe is because women are even more emphasised on the importance of physical appearances. We are all becoming more and more fussy because

  • ONE: we believe there are way more fantastic looking people than there actually are
  • TWO: we are able to connect to way way way more people than we were in the past

In the past if you met a nice girl at a dance you would have to walk her all the way home if you hope to ever see her again! And then you would have to hang around outside now and then when you expect she has to go somewhere. You couldn't just forget about her and move on to the next one like we do now. Now we find the first flaw in a potential partner and we swipe next hoping to find perfection. We have too many options because of technology. The only thing your great post left out. ;)

I agree that mass media has warped our view of what is attractive. The first 3 pictures in the post look almost real but they are in fact dolls. Sometimes when I see magazine covers I feel the same way. The girls are airbrushed and photoshopped and it doesn't even look real to me. But on the flip side when you see this stuff so much what if a females teeth aren't perfectly straight or what if her leg has a scar on it from a bicycle wreck? Suddenly people don't put up with the small things like you say.
I agree with you on people having a lot of options and not putting up with little issues but the post is more about the people who won't explore the options and focus on just virtual sex or sex with dolls.

Yes I realise that. I'm just saying, we're already halfway there. This is just another step in the direction we've been going for a while now.

The thing about body dysmorphia in your other comment - your bang on about that but that already exists. We are already surrounded by unattainable standards of beauty and a constant reinforcement of this beauty being the most important thing a woman can be.

These problems are man and womans problem because both of us are becoming more and more disconnected. And the scary future you describe is one I would not be skeptical about because we have already come this far.

Yeah we are almost there pretty much. :-(

In relation to the sex toy part of your article... Competing with a womans sex toy is as easy for a man as competing with your hand or your porn is for a woman.

There is nothing better than the real thing.

I agree that women almost become dehumanized if a lot of the super realistic androids are in the female form. It could cause real females to feel inferior because they most likely aren't going to produce a lot of over weight female androids. This could cause body dysmorphia when comparing to the androids. It could mess up people's view just like slaves in the south messed up people's views on equality.
I agree the real thing is the best but my worry is that even if it isn't real that has already become a lot less work and hassle for people. So it suddenly becomes an easier route.

I think that since women also are getting more presence in tech careers, maybe we will see their influence even things out. In Japan from my understanding it is still quite sexist. It's interesting that the male android has less perfect skin and not looking like Chris Hemsworth in Thor, whereas the females could have probably been made even more realistic but the skin is smooth as a baby's. That tells me that men wouldn't like androids being perfect specimens of physical masculinity either, though I guess that's kind of obvious.

I suspect there will be very much controversy over androids for along time.

Maybe it's not something to feel threatened about. I don't android with the perfect penis...hmmm. Jokes aside, I think that sex doll androids will only replace real people for the type of individuals you described, who are really isolated and socially inept. It may be lifestyle causing it but they area minority and always will be, most people gravitate toward socializing. Something would feel 'off', as an android won't really have a subconsious mind or emotions the same least for a long time

Yeah i was surprised how the male Android looked freakishly real and it was the imperfections that made it that way. The first three pictures in the post look almost real but if a person looks close enough it is too perfect.
I agree that the majority of people will initially be the socially inept but there could become a day when every young male gets a sex android for his 15th birthday. Sounds insane but who knows.

Well, if the consequences of having a relationship with someone were lessened, or if people understood each other and not think that one is out to get the other just for profit or gain, then we won't have that kind of future.

I'm certain that the two scenarios I mentioned will always be pipe dreams.

The consequences certainly do seem to be pretty high especially when you hear about these huge divorce cases. There is even custody battles over the pets. There is a whole industry now just around divorce parties.

I don't understand why anyone would want to use a doll with VR it is just an inanimate object. I suppose their reasoning is it is better than nothing. Personally I think your own hand is better than that! I suppose eventually we will get to the point though where the dolls are androids that are indistinguishable from humans. This will be shortly before they replace us completely:)

I feel like it won't be very far off. Maybe 10 or 20 years where you won't be able to tell the difference between what is a real person and what is an android. I believe they will become smart enough and self aware that they won't want to take orders from us anymore. Having the VR headset and a doll in front of you doesn't completely make sense to me. It would make more sense if it was one way or the other.

Classic cheesy SF b-movie from the mid-80: Cherry 2000

Hahahahha, Nice! I can only imagine he ends up with the hot real badass chick! LOL

It is a Hollywood film.

Hahahah! That trailer was epic!

Yeah. Melanie Griffith with a rocket launcher.

Damn, this scares a little.

I can understand how some people would be scared especially if they don't realize how realistic the dolls and androids already are.

interesting idea. virtual reality and augmented reality. what happen to reality?
connected all the time but become less connected with people. should we sigh or accept?

I guess it depends on what each person wants to do. If they knowingly decide to just living in a virtual world it is their own free will. But some will still live outside and go on adventures and have relationships with real people.

Another comment, moreso a question for you and other you think the android could ever replace the validation and accomplished feeling a man has from 'winning' the affections of a real woman?

It is a very good question and my answer is no. Winning the affection of a hot female makes a man feel like a god king. I think the androids will only be fore the guys who can't get the girls in real life mainly so they have never had that feeling and don't actually know what they are missing out on. They might wish they could get the real girls but will either have to buy a doll / android or get a prostitute. Perhaps they will be fearful of prostitutes because it isn't legal in most places but they can order their android online and get it delivered to their door.

Your android will do anything for you and you only have to pay for it once. I think they will choose android over prostitute. Read or listen to the book : Bernardo's house by James Patrick Kelly. Its a short story and explores some of this sentiment.

I see a future similar to the one you described. However these introverts will not be reproducing, so they may die off and those with more confidence may continue to reproduce and become more prevalent.

The female toy market does make most males feel inadequate as you said. But I think confidence in yourself and a good personality is far more attractive to most women than physical features are. And if that is not the case, it's probably not someone worth your attention long term.

Good points. There's also a pretty big self-help market emerging online, so many youtubers and people making ebooks. It's also likely that a lot of awareness will be given to those psychological issues.

You're right about the confidence thing, I've never known any women who think of vibrators as a replacement for a flesh and blood man in their life. The sentiment is only expressed as a joke. We are all entitled to make mean jokes about sex and love.

It's all in men's minds...and it would be very unattractive to have a guy feel threatened by a sex toy so it's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. I can only imagine the worst case scenario of a man who thought it counted as cheating, maybe that's the equivalent of a super jealous woman freaking out over casual porn use. Or a man who only wants his girl to watch porn with cocks smaller than his lol

Besides, using one alone can't compare than with someone else holding it. So there's lots to gain there.

Insecurities are the most unromantic, unsexy addition to a couples life.

I agree that the insecurities are super unattractive. Some people are really insecure and oftentimes that surfaces as jealousy.

Wow, scary stuff! Can they cook?

Soon ! I'm sure!

I don't think the technology will get there in our lifetime. And if it will, it will be more expensive than real people.