We never pass by the opportunity to light a candle for Our loved ones in heaven, or who walked the Rainbow as we tell the kids.
And the church is so beautiful. We take Our time to See All the Nice things inside the church. Out of
respect we naturally do not take photos inside.
We take a moment, light a candle and offcourse say a prayer. Thats important to us. Religion doesnt have to be complicated.
Do you light candles in your church?
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aww would have been nice to see a little dtubesnap here in front of that church.. hehe..
lovely church! I think it's nice to light a candle to help remember to say a prayer and others can be encouraged to see the many prayers made.. but we don't use candles at our church.
Hi dear, I am thinking off the snaps but I am to busy and to affraid 😉
What do you do in your religion?
Aww I’m sure you’ll do just fine!
We meet up at church sing, pray and listen to god’s word and sermon :)
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Thats the Same as we do 😉
good to keep thinking of your loved ones.
That is something we wont forget!
You know I grew half of time in a Catholic Church other times in a Christian Church and knew some very bad people that the Church told me where good people. This drove me away and I haven't been back. But the ideas of lighting a candle for a loved one is something I remember I liked to do with my grand mother. I might just have to give it one more try as I am trying to figure out what to do with my own kids now.
Lighting a candle can be done without going to the church sermon. I always walk in every church Where I can. Candles are life for me and a moment for me and overthink life.
You dont have to go to church to believe dear @stever82
Hey Steve! Good to see you here! I’m so sorry that the hypocritical Christians have given it a bad name and drove you away! I hate that it happens too! I used to be naive like that and believe that church people are good! They’re not, not all are. One bad takes away all the good! But God is still the good one. Glad there are still good memories of it in the long past though! Hope you take time to explore it again with your kids
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I thought so, Thank you