Mentoring Notes from a Humble Successful Entrepreneur #2/12

in #life7 years ago
  • Improve in myself the 4 elements of life:

    Water: improving my social and emotional capacity
    Air: develop the discovery and wisdom
    Earth: implement effectively the processes and objectives
    Fire: clearly define the causes that guide me;

  • Control my life and stop being controlled by external issues;

  • Increase the number of activities that give me pleasure in the day-to-day;

  • Breaking the pattern of bad habits;

  • Know how to deal with the seven deadly sins, we all need to ;)

    Greed: stop living with money in mind
    Anger: be quiet and not wish evil to anyone
    Lust: dominate sexual desire
    Envy: stop boasting just to prove
    Sloth: active and disciplined, escaping from inertia
    Gluttony : control food
    Pride: build self-esteem for me (not for others)

All the best,
