in #life6 years ago (edited)

Beloved's bush.7.JPG

Do you ever want to run away to some isolated place and scream? Do you ever get angry over other people's pettiness when there are real, and serious issues others are facing? Do you ever feel that you are in a stormy ocean and as you break surface, gasping for breath, the next wave drags you under? Do you ever feel that all the world is mad and you are the only sane person? Or maybe the world is sane but there is something seriously wrong with you....


My home life at the moment is challenging. Not just a little challenging. My young adult stepson who is autistic and extremely volatile has regressed in the past couple months. As most of you know we feel like we have a terrorist living in our home. He wreaks havoc in the house, around the farm and wears down our mental and emotional health. Farm life in South Africa is already like walking the proverbial tight rope. The white genocide continues (with the president emphatically lying to the UN) and in our area the drought also continues unabated. And yet our pressing concern is that we cannot escape or find resolution for this desperate situation with the unhappy young man. We're exhausted. We're burnt out.

Yesterday I was saddened to read about some pettiness happening in the land of Steem. It seems others are also perplexed by what is going on. I found some comfort in reading the comments between the community minded "old faithfuls". There really are some amazing people out there. It is sad that they don't get the love and support they deserve and need. So many of us get lost in the crowd. And yet, how often do you feel lonely in a crowd?

Beloved's bush.spoor 2.JPG

When I look at the heartbreak some of you are facing it really angers me that there are such callous people in the world. Is life not short enough without petty bickering and selfish agendas? I never experienced this more than when I buried my first husband. During his long battle with cancer his strength and compassion for others inspired me. The selfishness of others at the same time disappointed me. He was the one needing to be supported and yet he was the tower of strength to his loved ones who were literally crumbling around him. Right to the end he was the most remarkable man with such a heart for people. It was his legacy. He still inspires me. And yet I have to admit I don't come close to being that strong. And I'm not even sick!

Beloved's bush.2.ele.JPG

Life is wonderful. Really. It is. But sometimes the cares and troubles of the world overwhelm the beauty. Then you miss everything that is magnificent. My stepson screams. A lot. Loudly. Throughout the day. I battle to hear the birdsong. But it is there. He smashes our plates, windows, doors. I forget the fact that we live in a beautiful old farm house on our special home sweet homestead. My husband gets frustrated and feels guilty about his autistic triplets who are this way through his decision to vaccinate them. But his pain has saved other parents who learnt from his heartbreak. We have a beautiful and perfect baby boy who is our delight. Many have lost livestock, farms, lives due to the political unrest as well as the severe drought. But we are blessed to still live in safety and bounty on this beautiful homestead. Life really is wonderful. It is just an effort - a very big effort at the moment - to count our blessings. It is difficult not to drown in this stormy ocean without end. But we have a Hope and a future. We need to trust in the loving Arms of the Most High Who promises to count every tear and catch our teardrops in a bottle.

all photos my own from my life living in the African game reserve


Even a tear came to my eye, I have to admit. Especially the vaccination part - just recently had to make the decision on whether or not to vaccinate our boy, and that is a tough decision to make.

It is a tough decision @emtecks. For us with our baby it was a no brainer. The triplets were developing and reaching milestones until the mmr. They lost everything. And were ultimately diagnosed autistic. I've done my research. We live with the consequences of vaccine "side effects" With the increasing number of vaccination and increasing amount of scary ingredients in vaccines there are more casualties. Vaccinating children is not even an option for me. Do you know that the Amish don't vaccinate and there isn't a single record of autism in any Amish communities. You can find the lecture that Bill Gates gave about vaccination used for population control. Whaaaat?!!! If it saves lives why does he admit to enforcing it to bring down the population? Thought provoking.

Thank you for being strong. I try to be positive also when people want to villainize heroes of history. We are human beings capable of succeeding and failing in life. Sometimes life is so overwhelming, we are bound to fall. We live and grow, hoping to improve on what others had started for us.

Thank you for you sweet comment @creativetruth. If only we could learn from others instead of repeating their mistakes

Wow. I really, really get that. Times are SO much better for us now, but we HAVE been through some really, really tough times a few years back -- so much so that I had jaw pain. I thought I might have been experiencing heart trouble, but it turned out that I was just clenching my jaw from stress in the difficult times. I remember that it was awful hard to relate to others. Thank God, He brought us through. Now me and my family live in a safer neighborhood and I have learned so much about things from our experiences, and care so much more about others.

Often, I believe, He takes us through suffering in order to use us in the lives of others. But it is a painful process and we can't lose focus. @buysoaphere I'm happy to hear that you are out of that valley

Me too. And I hope the same for you. I know you have been in a valley already, burying your first husband (my husband lost his first wife to cancer). I'm glad God blessed you with a new family. I'm hoping this comment will upload, because I apparently "ran out of Steem" (literally) the other day, and that is why I've been so quite. I guess I'll blog as I can.

Shame @buysoaphere. I think you newbies get nailed on the commenting. I've only got your comment now. But thanks for the delayed sharing.

Thank you for being wonderful, I can totally relate to everything you have put down here. Life is full of all sorts of twists and turns, and sometimes it is a challenge to keep thinking positive and to not sweat the small stuff. Sometimes the small stuff can seem big in the moment, but we need to make a conscious effort to remind ourselves of the bigger picture. Hugs to you and to your husband. I would love to read more about your life on a South African farm. Hope you have a good day today.

Thanks @moneymosey. Although I wish our current challenges were just small stuff. It's not nice to read negative posts but I know there are some who can relate and will feel encouraged that we are all human. We all struggle. But this too will pass

I'm sorry @buckaroo, and I wish I had more to offer, except to say that I understand. Big hugs❤️

Yes you do. I had you in mind when I wrote a lot of these words. I was wanting to vent. Then I read you post of a couple day ago and decided I wasn't up for writing a positive post right then

Oh my goodness @buckaroo! I never realized you have had to endure so much. I thought it was a lot that you were living through severe drought in a country where there is genocide going on. Now I hear that you lost your first husband and have an autistic step-son. I'm an EA at the schools and have done some work with autistic kids and it can be very wearying. I got to go home after the work day, unlike yourself living with your stepson. I wish I lived closer I would step in and give you a break or at least a big hug! Do take care and you do have many blessings there too!

I will definitely take the hug @porters! Thank you. You understand. It is exhausting.

Hugs. It is no easy road you are on... but I heard a beautiful quote the other day: the pain of the battle you face today is nothing compared to the blessings that are coming. 💕

May it be so for your family, my friend. May it be so.

Thank you for sharing that poignant quote @heatherthebard

Oh man - My heart really does go out to you, I really do feel your pain and can associate so intimately with the challenges you are faced with. Sometimes it feels like it is all just for a ball of shit, the best we can do is absorb the sunset each day, be grateful for what we do have and pray that we have the strength left to reboot so that we can face another day!

Much love, respect and blessings from one South African farmer to another!

Reboot. I like that

yeah, that is how I see it!

On a side note I wanted to ask - how many goats do you have?

At the moment? I sold most of my 60 a year ago when we realized that the drought wasn't going to break any time soon and the grazing couldn't carry such a large flock. I kept only 6. So so sad. They all kidded a month ago. I always find homes for the boys very soon but this year also some of the girls. I also just sold 2 of the adults. Which leaves me 4 adult girls in milk. 4 baby girls. And the buck

I see I was just asking because I wondered about a startup flock :)

howdy there buckaroo...so sorry that your situation is so stressful, not many people could handle it at all so I salute you, I'll pray for you whenever I think about it. God bless you guys down there!

Thank you @janton. I believe we all handle what HE gives us the ability to handle. But it doesn't always feel like it. Especially when you are drowning in your challenge

Absolutely, well said.