Skin beauty depends a lot on the diet of each individual. Give your body a good diet to improve rhe health of the skin, here are 5 foods groups rich in vitamin and minerals to help you spruce up every day:
- Tomatoes
Tomato dishes such as tomato sauce, juice or salad are rich in lycopene, a nutrient important work in the prevention and treatment of acne, prevent and protect the skin from ultraviolet rays. To effectively prevent the factors that cause acne, experts recommend using products from tomatoes from 3 to 5 times per week. - Green Tea
According to Alan Logan, author of the book "The clean skins diet" (roughly translated "mode for a beautiful skin"), green tea reduces dihidrotestosterol (DHT), the hormone causes acne. He also recommends drinking 3-5 cups a day. At the same time, this drink is rich in antioxidants, helps the skin youthful and healthy. - Berries
Fruits ripe and eye-catching colors like cerise, Vietnam blueberries and strawberries contain more antioxidant content, against the causative agent of aging and prevent acne. Fish and seafood
According to one study showed that people with diets enhance fish and seafood have fewer wrinkles than the rest. Because in this group contain small quantities of food omega-3 is capable of reducing the formation of wrinkles, prevent acne. According to the recommendations, to be provided to the body 5 pieces of fish each week. Also, can be used to add fish oil to enriching micronutrient supply to the skin.
Brown rice
In the beauty often contains ceramide, this is a form of fat, able to moisturize the skin, and contains a variety of brown rice . When we provide food in the form ceramide may enhance permeability and ability to moisturize the skin than the use of conventional skin cosmetics.
Often provide the body 5 food to a property on the skin smooth and full of life.
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