This is one of those sticky widgets.
Basically, you have to take your relationship to a whole other level.
Where both people involved feel they can talk about issues without a blowup or a backlash over it. This requires an openness and an ability to communicate your desires.
This usually starts with each person getting a back bone. Your emotions are important. Your needs are important. Holding them back is slowly depleting you. (or fastly)
The next step is communication abilities. Communication, one of the most important things that can ever be learned. Not taught in schools.
And when both sides have learned to attack the problem and not the person, then you can talk about the Chocolate Easter Bunny Layer.
But, who am i kidding, the other person usually has all their emotions, all of their feelings of being a good person, tied up in this gift.
So, you just smile, thank them for the gift. And then dispose of it. In the trash if need be.